Wallace; or, the Life and Acts of Sir William Wallace, of Ellerslie. active 1470-1492 Blind Hary
men it wist, and semblit sone him till.
He chargyt nayne bot at thair awne gud will;
For thai war strang: yeitt he couth nocht thaim dreid,
Bot resawit all in weris thaim to leid.180
Sum part off tham was in to Irland borne,
That Makfadyan had exilde furth beforne:
King Eduuardis man he was suorn, of Ingland,
Off rycht law byrth, supposs he tuk on hand.
To Wallace thar come ane that hecht Fawdoun;185
Malancoly he was of complexioun,
Hewy of statur, dour in his contenance,
Soroufull, sadde, ay dreidfull but plesance.
Wallace resawit quhat man wald cum him till;
The bodelye ayth thai maid him with gud will190
Before the erle, all with a gud accord;
And him resawyt as captane and thair lord.
His speciall men, that cum with him fra hayme,
The tayne hecht Gray, the tothir Kerlé be nayme,
In his seruice come fyrst with all thair mayne,195
To Lowdoun hill quhar that Fenweik was slayne.
He thaim comandyt ay next him to persew;
For he thaim kend rycht hardye, wiss and trew.
His leyff he tuk rycht on a fair maner.
The gud erlle than he bad him gyftis ser:200
Wallace wald nayne, bot gaiff of his fell syss,
To pour and rych, vpon a gudlye wiss.
Humyll he was, hardy, wiss and fre,
As off rychess he held na propyrté.
Off honour, worschipe, he was a merour kend;205
Als he off gold had boundandlye to spend.
Wpon his fayis he wan it worthely.
Thus Wallace past, and his gud chewalry.
Sexty he had off lykly men at wage;
Throuch the Lennox he led thaim with curage. 210
Fol. 16 a
Abown Lekkie he lugyt thaim in a waille.
A strenth thar was quhilk thai thocht till assaill.
On Gargownno was byggyt a small peill,
That warnyst was with men and wittaill weill,
Within a dyk, bathe closs, chawmer, and hall;215
Capteyne tharoff to nayme he hecht Thrilwall.
Thai led Wallace quhar that this byggynge wass;
He thocht to assaill it, ferby or he wald pass.
Twa spyiss he send to wesy all that land:
Rycht laith he was the thing to tak on hand,220
The quhilk, beforce, that suld gang hym agayne;
Leuir had he throw awentur be slayne.
Thir men went furth as it was large mydnycht;
About that houss thai spyit all at rycht.
The wachman was hewy fallen on sleipe;225
The bryg was doun at that entré suld keipe;
The lauboreris latt rakleslye went in.
Thir men retornede, with outyn noyess or dyn,
To thair maistir; told him as thai had seyne.
Than grathit sone thir men of armyss keyne;230
Sadlye on fute on to the houss thai socht,
And entryt in, for lattyn fand thai nocht.
Wicht men assayede, with all thair besy cur,
A loklate bar, was drawyn ourthourth the dur;
Bot thai mycht nocht it brek out of the waw.235
Wallace was grewyt quhen he sic tary saw.
Sumpart amowet, wraithly till it he went;
Be forss off handis it raist out of the stent;
Thre yerde off breide alss off the wall puld out.
Than merweld all his men that war about,240
How he dide mair than twenty off thaim mycht.
Syne with his fute the yett he straik wp rycht,
Quhill braiss and band to byrst all at anyss.
Ferdely thai raiss, that war in to thai wanyss.
The wachman had a felloune staff of steill,245
At Wallace strake, bot he kepyt hym weill.
Rudely fra him he reft it in that thrang,
Dang out his harnyss, syne in the dik him flang.
The remaynand be that was on thair feit;
Thus Wallace sone can with the capteyn meite.250
That staff he had, hewy and forgyt new,
With it Wallace wpon the hede him threw,
Quhill bayn and brayn all in to sondyr yeid.
His men entryt, that worthy war in deid,
In handis hynt, and stekit of the layff.255
Wallace commaundede thai suld na wermen saiff.
Twenty and twa thai stekit in that steid.
Wemen and barnyss, quhen that the men war deide,
He gert be tayn, in closs houss kepyt weill,
So thai wytht out thar off mycht haiff no feill.260
The dede bodyes thai put sone out of sycht;
Fol. 16 b
Tuk wp the bryg or that the day was lycht.
In that place baid four dayis or he wald pass;
Wist nane with out how at this mater wass:
Spoilyeide that steid, and tuk thaim ganand ger;265
Jowellis and gold away with thaim thai ber.
Quhen him thocht tyme, thai ischede on the nycht;
To the next woode thai went with all thair mycht.
The captenys wiff, wemen, and childer thre,
Pass quhar thai wald, for Wallas leit thaim be.270
In that forest he likit nocht to bide:
Thai bownyt thaim atour Forth for to ride.
The moss was strang, to ryde it was no but:
Wallas was wicht and lychtyt on his fute.
Few horss thai had, litill thar off thai roucht:275
To sawe thar lywes feill strenthis oft thai socht.
Stewyn of Irland he was thair gyd that nycht
Towart Kyncardyn, syne restit thar at rycht
In a forest, that was bathe lang and wide,
Rycht fra the moss grew to the wattir syde.280
Eftre the sone Wallas walkit about
Vpon Tetht side, quhar he saw mony rout
Off wyld bestis wauerand in wode and playne.
Sone at a schot a gret hart