Eikon Basilike. John Gauden
Another Relation from the Lady Elisabeths own Hand.
Another Relation from the Lady Elisabeth.
Εἰκὼν Βασιλική
With a perfect Copy of Prayers used by his Majesty in the time of his sufferings.
Delivered to Dr. Juxon Bishop of London, immediately before his Death.
Rom. 8.
More then Conquerour, &c.
Bona agere, & mala pati, Regium est.
Printed at London, 1649.
The Explanation of the Embleme.
Onderibus genuus omne mali, probriq; gravatus,
Vixq; ferenda ferens, Palma ut depressa, resurgo.
Ac, velut undarum Fuctûs Ventìque, furorem
Irati Populi Rupes immotta repello.
Clarioré tenebris, cœlestis stella, corusco.
Victor æternum fœlici pace triumpho.
Auro fulgentem rutilo gemmisque micantem,
At curis Gravidam spernendo calco Coronam.
Spinosam, at ferri facilem, quo spes mea, Christi
Auxilio, Nobis non est tractare molestum.
Æternam, fixis fidei, semperque beatam
In Cœlos occulis specto, Mobìsque-paratam.
Quod vanum est, sperno; quod Christi Gratia præbet
Amplecti studium est: Virtutis Gloria merces.
Hough clogg'd with weights of miseries,
Palm-like depress'd, I higher rise.
And as th' unmoved Rock out-braves
The boyst'rous winds, and raging waves;
So triumph I. And shine more bright
In sad Affliction's darksom night.
That splendid, but yet toilsome Crown,
Regardlesly I trample down.
With joy I take this Crown of Thorn,
Though sharp, yet easie to be born.
That heav'nly Crown, already mine,
I view with eyes of faith divine.
I slight vain things; and do embrace
Glory, the just reward of Grace.
Τὸ Χῖ οὐδὲν ἠδίκησε τὴν πόλιν, οὐδὲ τὸ Κάππα.
1 | V Pon His Majesties calling this last Parliament. |
2 | Upon the Earl of Strafford's death. |
3 | Upon His Majesties going to the House of Commons. |
4 | Upon the Insolency of the Tumults. |
5 | Upon His Majesties passing the Bill for the Trienniall Parliaments: and after setling this, during the pleasure of the two Houses. |
6 | Upon His Majesties retirement from Westminster. |
7 | Upon the Queens departure, and absence out of England. |
8 | Upon His Majesties repulse at Hull, and the fates of the Hothams. |