The Siouan Cults (Illustrated Edition). James Owen Dorsey
James Owen Dorsey
The Siouan Cults
(Illustrated Edition)
Published by
- Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting -
2018 OK Publishing
ISBN 978-80-272-4593-2
Table of Contents
Definitions of “Cult” and “Siouan”
Alleged Belief in a Great Spirit
Phenomena Divided into Human and Superhuman
Terms for “Mysterious,” “Lightning,” Etc.
Significance of Personal Names and Kinship Terms
Myth and Legend Distinguished from the Superhuman
Chapter III. Cults of the Omaha, Ponka, Kansa, and Osage
Beliefs and Practices not Found
Omaha, Ponka, and Kansa Belief in a Wakanda
Invocation of Warmth and Streams
Omaha and Kansa Expressions about Wakanda
Ponka Belief About Malevolent Spirits
Subterranean and Subaquatic Wakandas
Omaha Invocations of the Trap, Etc.
Other Omaha Mystery Decorations
Governmental Instrumentalities
Omaha and Ponka Belief as to a Future Life