The Siouan Cults (Illustrated Edition). James Owen Dorsey
Kansa Beliefs Respecting Death and a Future Life
Chapter IV. ┴Ciwere and Winnebago Cults
Term “Great Spirit” Never Heard Among the Iowa
Symbolic Earth Formations of the Winnebago82
Chapter V. Dakota and Assiniboin Cults
Alleged Dakota Belief in a Great Spirit
Miss Fletcher on Indian Religion
The Unkteḣi, or Subaquatic and Subterranean Powers
The Wakiᴺyaᴺ (Wakiŋyaŋ), or Thunder-beings
The Spirits of the Mystery Sacks
Takuśkaŋśkaŋ, the Moving Deity
Tunkan Oe Inyan, the Stone God or Lingam