The Siouan Cults (Illustrated Edition). James Owen Dorsey
Deer Women
Ghost Lore and the Future Life
Exhortations to Absent Warriors
Results of Lying, Stealing, Etc.
Chapter VI. Cults of the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Sapona
Alleged Belief in a Great Spirit
The Great Mystery a Modern Deity
Mystery Objects and Places of the Mandan and Hidatsa
Chapter VII. Concluding Remarks
Each Quarter Reckoned as Three
Names Referring to Other Worlds
Personal Names from Horned Beings
Names Derived from Several Homogeneous Objects or Beings
Return of the Spirit to the Eponym
Functions of Gentes and Subgentes
Plate XLIV
Chapter I.
Definitions of “Cult” and “Siouan”
§ 1. Cult, as used in this article, means a system of religious belief and worship, especially the rites and ceremonies employed in such worship. The present article treats of the cults of a few of the Siouan tribes—that is, with two exceptions, of such tribes