Shadow Lane’s The Art of Spanking Volume One: Pictorial Erotica for the Spanking Connoisseur. Eve Howard
Shadow Lane’s
Pictorial erotica for the spanking connoisseur
Dedicated to all the beautiful talent photographed herein
Published by CCB Publishing, British Columbia, Canada
On our front cover Samantha Woodley and Arthur Sire On our back cover and left, Nikki Rouge and Steve Fuller
Shadow Lane’s The Art of Spanking Volume One Editor Eve Howard Art Director Butch Simms Photography by Butch Simms and Tony Elka Ilustrations by Brian Tarsis visit us @
Shadow Lane's The Art of Spanking Volume One: Pictorial erotica for the spanking connoisseur Copyright ©2010 by Shadow Lane ISBN-13 978-1-926918-01-3 First Edition
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Howard, Eve, 1953-
Shadow Lane's the art of spanking [electronic resource] : pictorial erotica for the spanking connoisseur / Eve Howard.
– 1st ed.
Electronic monograph in PDF format.
ISBN 978-1-926918-01-3 (v. 1)
Also available in print format.
1. Corporal punishment--Pictorial works.
2. Fetishism (Sexual behavior)--Pictorial works.
3. Photography, Erotic.
I. Title. II. Title: Art of spanking.
TR676.H69 2010a 779'.28 C2010-905044-4
Notice of Compliance
The records required by 18 U.S.C. Section 2257 with respect to all photographic materials are kept by the custodian of records at the office of the copyright holder at the following location: S. Winters for Shadow Lane, 8414 Farm Road Suite 180-281, Las Vegas NV 89131. Shadow Lane hereby certifies that all materials are in full compliance with the requirements of 18 U.S.C. 2257 and associated regulations. All persons herein were at least 18 years of age at the time of photography.
Neither the author nor the publisher can be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the information presented in this book. Additionally, neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from use of the information contained herein.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the express written permission of the publisher.
Publisher: CCB Publishing, British Columbia, Canada
The Art of Spanking
This is a book about the power of spanking, its beauty and charm. Because it is intended for the pleasure of spanking enthusiasts, it is filled with unveiled damsels in distress, displayed mostly over the knee. In a spanking journal such as this, the focus must ever be on the bare bottoms of alluring women. But as every true connoisseur knows, there is more to spanking than the color pink. The people you will meet in the pages of this book are real, with individualistic personalities to match their arresting faces and expressive attitudes. They didn’t get into this book by accident. A persistent fascination with spanking, mingled with a compulsion to perform in and create spanking erotica brought them to our studio. You might call models super spankers, people who have to take their spanking interest one step further than playing, by exhibiting themselves to the world at large while engaged in this volatile and yet highly intimate activity.
Shadow Lane has published spanking magazines since the late 1980’s, our most popular publication being Stand Corrected. But this is our first publication in ten years and the first Shadow Lane publication to be all color. We’ve divided this issue into themes of major interest to spanking fans, defined by our most provocative photos.
Some spanking people get ruffled when they are lumped in with the BDSM subculture. We all like the “discipline” part of BDSM, eventually try the bondage, roundly reject the concept of slave and master and admit to being only mildly sadomasochistic (if pressed). Most female spanking enthusiasts would sooner surrender control to a Mr. Knightly than a Marquis de Sade. The dominant should be strict, but also gentlemanly, and full of all the kindness and respect that term implies. The terms “sense and sensibility” might well have been invented to describe the qualities sought by thinking women who seek sexual fulfillment by ceding control to their lovers.
We spanking folk are fated to be misunderstood and misrepresented by sensationalists, who would characterize us as anything but the subtle and sophisticated adventurers that we are. But the more we connect with each other, the more parties we attend, the more we date, play, and fall in love in the scene, the more convinced we enthusiasts become of the fact that spanking well is the best revenge.
To find out more about Shadow Lane, visit our website where you can shop securely for fine spanking erotica and participate in the spanking scene through our excluive members’ clubhouse and personal ads. Be proactive, post an ad, chat, come to our next party. After over twenty years in the scene we have learned that networking does pay off.
Best wishes,
table of contents
Samantha Woodley: Spanking Dream Girl
Amelia Rutherford: Polished Perfection