The Truth About Sex A Sex Primer for the 21st Century Volume I: Sex and the Self. Gloria G. Brame
The Truth About Sex
Volume I: Sex and the Self
Dr. Gloria G. Brame
CCB Publishing, British Columbia, Canada
The Truth About Sex, A Sex Primer for the 21st Century
Volume I: Sex and the Self
Copyright ©2011 by Dr. Gloria G. Brame
ISBN-13 978-1-926918-56-3
First Edition
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Brame, Gloria G., 1955-
The truth about sex [electronic resource] : a sex primer for the 21st century : sex and the self / by Gloria G. Brame.
Electronic monograph in PDF format.
ISBN 978-1-926918-56-3
Also available in print format.
1. Sex. I. Title.
HQ21.B7 2011a 306.7 C2011-902653-8
Cover artwork and interior layout by David Ampola.
Extreme care has been taken to ensure that all information presented in this book is accurate and up to date at the time of publishing. Neither the author nor the publisher can be held responsible for any errors or omissions. Additionally, neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the express written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief and accurately credited quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
Publisher: CCB Publishing
British Columbia, Canada
—( SECTION ONE )— Masturbation and Orgasm
Chapter Two: A Brief History of Masturbation
—( SECTION TWO )— Thinking about Sex
Chapter Four: Talking about Sex
Chapter Six: The Best Reasons to Have Sex
Chapter Seven: Sexual Intelligence
Chapter Eight: Sex Problems are Life Problems
Chapter Nine: Biology is Destiny, But Not the Way You May Think
Exercises and Advice to Improve Your Orgasms
EXERCISE 3: Give Yourself an Orgasm
A Note About Case Studies:
To protect the confidentiality of my clients, all case studies in this book are composites of at least two to four different patients who presented with similar problems. Names are fictitious to further protect their privacy.
YOU who celebrate bygones! I project the history of the future.
Sex Matters
Some years ago, my mother peevishly inquired, “When are you going to write a book that won’t embarrass me?” She was dismayed that her nice Jewish daughter studied a subject that she considered dirty. To her, sex was a private, embarrassing act, like using the toilet. It was disgusting to discuss it openly, much less spend time brooding over what goes on “down there.” It’s down there, for goodness sake.
Most of us are raised to believe that sex doesn’t — or at least, shouldn’t — matter. It shouldn’t even matter that much in marriage. In fact, nice people shouldn’t spend too much time thinking about sex. As the social narrative goes, if civilization is the sum of our intellectual achievements, then sex is the shameful burden of our primal roots. It’s dirty. It’s something you have to do to have children so put it off as long as possible and then just close your eyes and do it. Preferably with the lights off.
It’s a strange dogma to apply to one of humanity’s greatest and most enduring obsessions. Whether or not you talk about it, you cannot escape sex. Sex is all around us all the time — in the texts we send and the sites we visit, in the catcalls from construction workers on the street, in the hot outfit your neighbor’s wearing, in the bouquet of flowers someone’s bringing home