Balconville. David Fennario

Balconville - David Fennario

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      Balconville was first performed at the Centaur Theatre in Montreal on January 2, 1979, with the following cast:

      CLAUDE PAQUETTE Marc Gélinas

      CÉCILE PAQUETTE Cécile St-Denis

      DIANE PAQUETTE Manon Bourgeois

      MURIEL WILLIAMS Terry Tweed

      TOM WILLIAMS Robert Parson

      JOHNNY REGAN Peter MacNeill

      IRENE REGAN Lynn Deragon

      THIBAULT Jean Archambault

      GAËTAN BOLDUC Gilles Tordjman

      Directed by Guy Sprung

      Set and Costume Design by Barbra Matis

      Lighting Design by Steven Hawkins

      Sound Design by Peter Smith

      Stage Managed by Erika Klusch



      CÉCILE PAQUETTE, his wife

      DIANE PAQUETTE, their daughter


      TOM WILLIAMS, her son


      IRENE REGAN, his wife


      GAËTAN BOLDUC, a politician


      The back of a tenement in the Pointe-Saint-Charles district of Montreal. We see a flight of stairs leading up to two balconies set side by side, one belonging to the Regans and the other, to the Paquettes. The balcony belonging to the Paquettes is directly below the ground-floor balcony of the Williams.

      ACT ONE

      SCENE 1

      It is night. TOM is sitting on his back balcony trying to play “Mona” on his guitar. The sound of a car screeching around a corner is heard. The car beeps its horn. DIANE enters.


      Diane, Diane …


      J’savais que t’avais une autre blonde.


      Mais non, Diane, c’était ma soeur.


      Oui, ta soeur. Mange d’la merde. Fuck you!

      CÉCILE comes out of her house and stands on her balcony.


      C’est-tu, Jean-Guy? Diane?


      Oh, achale-moi pas.

      The car screeches away.


      (from the screen door behind TOM) Goddamn teenagers, they don’t stop until they kill someone. Tommy, what are you doing there?

      The sound of the car screeching is heard on the other side of the stage.


      Hey, Diane. Diane …


      Maudit crisse, va-t’en, hostie.


      Diane, c’est Jean-Guy.


      Hey, Diane. Viens-t’en faire un tour avec moi. Diane?

      The car beeps its horn.


      Jamais, jamais. J’t’haïs, j’t’haïs.


      Hey, Diane.

      The car beeps its horn again.


      (from inside his house) Qu’est-ce qu’y a? Qu’est-ce tu veux, hostie?


      Diane, viens ici.


      (yelling from the upstairs window) Si tu t’en vas pas, j’appelle la police.

      MURIEL comes out of her house, goes down the lane, and yells after the car.


      Get the hell out of here, you goddamn little creep!

      The car screeches away. MURIEL returns to her house.


      Tom, you gotta get up tomorrow.


      Yeah, yeah.

      MURIEL goes into her house.


      Maudit crisse, j’te dis que t’en as des amis toi. C’est la dernière fois que je te préviens. Cécile, viens-tu t’coucher?


      Oui, oui, Claude, j’arrive. Diane, Jean-Guy devrait pas venir si tard.


      Ah, parle-moi pu d’lui.


      Son char fait bien trop de train, y devrait faire réparer son muffler.

      CÉCILE goes into her house with DIANE. JOHNNY enters. He is drunk and singing “Heartbreak Hotel.” He finds that the door to his house is locked.


      Hey, Irene … Irene, open the fuckin’ door.

      IRENE opens the door.


      (from inside his house) Hey! Ferme ta gueule, toi-là.


      Fuck you!

      He goes into his house and slams the door shut.


      Scene 2

      The next day. It is morning. THIBAULT enters wheeling his Chez Momo’s delivery bike down the lane. TOM comes out of the house with toast, coffee, cigarettes, and his guitar. When he is finished his toast and coffee, he begins to practise his guitar.


      (from inside her house) Tom, you left the goddamn toaster on again.




      Yeah well, I’m the one who pays the electric bills.


      (looking at the tire on his delivery bike) Câlice, how did that happen? The tire, c’est fini.


      A flat.




      A flat tire.


      Ben oui, un flat tire. The other one, she’s okay … That’s funny, eh? Very funny, that.


      Don’t worry, Thibault, it’s only flat on the bottom.


      You think so? Well, I got to phone the boss.

      He goes up the stairs and steps over the broken step.


      Hey, watch the step!


      (knocking on PAQUETTE’s door)

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