Candide. Voltaire

Candide - Voltaire

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      This edition published by Dreamscape Media LLC, 2017 * [email protected]

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       About Voltaire:

      François-Marie Arouet (21 November 1694 – 30 May 1778), known by his nom de plume Voltaire, was a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher famous for his wit, his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and separation of church and state.

      Voltaire was a versatile and prolific writer, producing works in almost every literary form, including plays, poems, novels, essays, and historical and scientific works. He wrote more than 20,000 letters and more than 2,000 books and pamphlets. He was an outspoken advocate of civil liberties, despite the risk this placed him in under the strict censorship laws of the time. As a satirical polemicist, he frequently made use of his works to criticize intolerance, religious dogma, and the French institutions of his day.

      Source: Wikipedia



       Chapter 1 - How Candide was brought up in a Magnificent Castle, and how he was expelled thence

       Chapter 2 - What became of Candide among the Bulgarians

       Chapter 3 - How Candide made his escape from the Bulgarians, and what afterwards became of him

       Chapter 4 - How Candide found his old Master Pangloss, and what happened to them

       Chapter 5 - Tempest, Shipwreck, Earthquake, and what became of Doctor Pangloss, Candide, and James the Anabaptist

       Chapter 6 - How the Portuguese made a Beautiful Auto-da-fé, to prevent any further Earthquakes: and how Candide was publicly whipped

       Chapter 7 - How the Old Woman took care of Candide, and how he found the Object he loved

       Chapter 8 - The History of Cunegonde

       Chapter 9 - What became of Cunegonde, Candide, the Grand Inquisitor, and the Jew

       Chapter 10 - In what distress Candide, Cunegonde, and the Old Woman arrived at Cadiz; and of their Embarkation

       Chapter 11 - History of the Old Woman

       Chapter 12 - The Adventures of the Old Woman continued

       Chapter 13 - How Candide was forced away from his fair Cunegonde and the Old Woman

       Chapter 14 - How Candide and Cacambo were received by the Jesuits of Paraguay

       Chapter 15 - How Candide killed the brother of his dear Cunegonde

       Chapter 16 - Adventures of the Two Travellers, with Two Girls, Two Monkeys, and the Savages called Oreillons

       Chapter 17 - Arrival of Candide and his Valet at El Dorado, and what they saw there

       Chapter 18 - What they saw in the Country of El Dorado

       Chapter 19 - What happened to them at Surinam and how Candide got acquainted with Martin

       Chapter 20 - What happened at Sea to Candide and Martin

       Chapter 21 - Candide and Martin, reasoning, draw near the Coast of France

       Chapter 22 - What happened in France to Candide and Martin

       Chapter 23 - Candide and Martin touched upon the Coast of England, and what they saw there

       Chapter 24 - Of Paquette and Friar Giroflée

       Chapter 25 - The Visit to Lord Pococurante, a Noble Venetian

       Chapter 26 - Of a Supper which Candide and Martin took with Six Strangers, and who they were

       Chapter 27 - Candide's Voyage to Constantinople

       Chapter 28 - What happened to Candide, Cunegonde, Pangloss, Martin, etc.

       Chapter 29 - How Candide found Cunegonde and the Old Woman again

       Chapter 30 - The Conclusion

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