Four Years on the Great Lakes, 1813-1816. Don Bamford

Four Years on the Great Lakes, 1813-1816 - Don Bamford

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      The Journal of Lieutenant David Wingfield, Royal Navy

      Don Bamford & Paul Carroll

      Foreword by Barry Gough

      Copyright © Don Bamford & Paul Carroll, 2009

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise (except for brief passages for purposes of review) without the prior permission of Dundurn Press. Permission to photocopy should be requested from Access Copyright.

      Edited by Jane Gibson

      Copy-edited by Allison Hirst

      Proofread by Jason Karp

      Designed by Erin Mallory

      Printed and bound in Canada by Webcom

       Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

      Wingfield, David, ca. 1789-1863

       Four years on the Great Lakes, 1813-1816 : the journal of Lieutenant David Wingfield, Royal Navy / by Don Bamford and Paul Carroll.

      Includes bibliographical references and index.

      ISBN 978-1-55488-393-6

      1. Wingfield, David, ca. 1789-1863--Diaries. 2. Canada--History--War of 1812--Personal narratives, British. 3. Canada--History--War of 1812--Naval operations. 4. Ontario, Lake (N.Y. and Ont.)--History, Naval--19th century. 5. Sailors--Great Britain--Diaries. I. Bamford, Don II. Carroll, Paul, 1944-III. Title.

      FC443.W55A3 2009 971.03’4092 C2009-900300-7

      1 2 3 4 5 13 12 11 10 09

      We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council for our publishing program. We also acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program and The Association for the Export of Canadian Books, and the Government of Ontario through the Ontario Book Publishers Tax Credit program, and the Ontario Media Development Corporation.

      Care has been taken to trace the ownership of copyright material used in this book. The author and the publisher welcome any information enabling them to rectify any references or credits in subsequent editions.

       J. Kirk Howard, President Published by Natural Heritage Books A Member of The Dundurn Group

      Front cover: On October 14, 1814, lightning struck the HMS St. Lawrence while she sailed on a shakedown cruise. There was significant, but repairable damage, and several crewmembers were killed. Painting by Peter Rindlisbacher. Reprinted with the permission of the artist. Back cover: An aerial view of Wingfield Basin. Courtesy of Telfer Wegg.

Dundurn Press 3 Church Street, Suite 500 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5E 1M2 Gazelle Book Services Limited White Cross Mills High Town, Lancaster, England LA1 4XS Dundurn Press 2250 Military Road Tonawanda, NY U.S.A. 14150

      We humbly dedicate this work to those soldiers, seamen, and militia of both sides of the conflict in the War of 1812–14, who served King or Commander-in-Chief and country, in a foreign and somewhat hostile land. Many of these men received very little credit for their efforts and sacrifices.

      Both sides produced men of high levels of bravery and excellent leadership. Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, K.B. and Captain Oliver Hazard Perry, USN, were honoured by outstanding monuments erected in memory of their battles. Others were remembered in the history books with only a few lines, or at most, a few pages.

      The experiences of David Wingfield, away from the battle scenes, are unique in several respects. We hope this work will properly honour him and his compatriots.


       Chapter Two Capture and Experiences as a Prisoner of War

       Chapter Three Return to Active Duty on Lake Ontario

       Chapter Four Ordered to Lake Huron and Georgian Bay: Commanding the Surprise

       Chapter Five Arrival on Georgian Bay: Service on Lake Huron

       Chapter Six Return to Kingston as Master of the Beckwith: And Home



       Appendix A The David Wingfield Family Tree

       Appendix B The Wingfield Family Society as submitted by Jocelyn Wingfield

       Appendix C Place Names

       Appendix D Glossary of Maritime Terms and Related Items

       Appendix E A Timeline: A Wingfield Chronology

       Appendix F The Friends of Cabot Head

       Appendix G Cover Art and Artist Peter Rindlisbacher



       List of Colour Plates


       About the Authors

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