The Fragrant Garden. Day's Lee
The Fragrant Garden
Written by Day's Lee
Illustrations by Josée Bellemare
Napoleon Publishing
Copyright text © 2005 by Day's Lee
Copyright illustrations © 2005 by Josée Bellemare
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher.
Cover art by Josée Bellemare
Napoleon Publishing acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts for our publishing program.
Napoleon Publishing Toronto, Ontario |
Printed in Canada
09 08 07 06 05 5 4 3 2 1
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Lee, Day's, date-
The fragrant garden / Day's Lee ; Josée Bellemare, illustrator.
ISBN 1-894917-26-X
1. Picture books for children. I. Bellemare, Josée, date- II. Title.
PS8623.E43F73 2005 jC813'.6 C2005-903661-3
For my nieces and nephews:
Debbie, Bobby, Sandy, Amy, Brian,
Samuel and Amanda
– Day's Lee
To Gary for his loving support
– Josée Bellemare
In the middle of Chinatown,
squeezed between a Chinese herbal pharmacy
and a gift shop displaying jade and
plastic treasures from the Orient,
was a restaurant named the Fragrant Garden.
A red and yellow neon sign
hanging over the front door
blinked steadily every night.
Fragrant Garden
Fragrant Garden
Fragrant Garden
It blinked every two seconds.
Jade knew it blinked every two seconds
because she timed it with the watch
her mother had given her
for her ninth birthday.
The restaurant was popular
because it served delicious Chinese food.
Sunday evening was the busiest night of the week.
Jade went to the restaurant every Sunday
to help out.
She packed cartons of food into bags
for take-out orders.
She made sure the bottles of soya sauce
and the salt and pepper shakers
on each table were full.
And, if a customer couldn't decide
what to order,
she would do her best to describe the dishes
and assure them that
no matter what they chose,
it would be tasty.
Although her parents were pleased that
she helped out with the family business,
her father shook his head when she asked
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