Isaac's Laugh. Juan Ignacio Peña
For Ignacio Jiménez; you dreamed of a thousand adventures, without realizing that you
already had the greatest of all: your life. Our most heartfelt thanks for having brightened
the lives of all of us who were at your side with your presence and constant smile.
- Juan Ignacio Peña -
To Abelardo, for having always dreamt of a better world, and for now being
the star that shines in our hearts. You left so soon I didn’t have time to tell you,
“Thank you for so much.” Quizás porque mi niñez sigue jugando en tu playa…
- Mar Blanco -
Text © Juan Ignacio Peña
Illustrations © Mar Blanco
This edition © 2014 Cuento de Luz SL
Calle Claveles 10 | Urb Monteclaro | Pozuelo de Alarcón | 28223 | Madrid | Spain Title in Spanish: La risa de Ignacio English translation by Jon Brokenbrow
ISBN: 978-84-16078-40-0
Printed by Shanghai Chenxi Printing Co., Ltd. xxxx 2014, print number xxx
All rights reserved
Isaac thought he had the best grandpa in
the world, because he made up stories that
helped him to forget about the illness that was
stealing all of his curly blonde hair.
His favorite story was “Nuba,” because it was about a little boy who was the king
of the land of laughter, where everyone told the funniest jokes.
But the little boy-king had a deadly enemy: The Lord of Noise, who hated happy
creatures and was always making a terrible ruckus. He was determined to do away
with laughter.
Isaac daydreamed about the kingdom of Nuba, especially when he was
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