The Magic Hat Shop. Sonja Wimmer
To Ariel,
my love, my companion, and the best father in the world.
May we inspire each other every day, so that the most beautiful thing within us grows and grows.
The Magic Hat Shop
Text & illustrations © 2016 Sonja Wimmer
This edition © 2016 Cuento de Luz SL
Calle Claveles, 10 | Urb. Monteclaro | Pozuelo de Alarcón | 28223 | Madrid | Spain Title in Spanish: La sombrería mágica English translation by Jon Brokenbrow
ISBN: 978-84-16147-34-2
All rights reserved
Nobody knew how it arrived, or from
where, but one morning a little hat shop
just appeared there, right in the middle
of the town square.
“Who needs hats?” said some of the townspeople,
while others said, “How rude, turning up just like that!”
They looked at the shop out of the corner of their
eyes and kept away, mistrusting anything that might
threaten the quiet routine of the town.
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