Art of Chinese Brush Painting. Caroline Self

Art of Chinese Brush Painting - Caroline Self

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      We thank Sherry Kendrick for her advice, for use of her paintings in the first chapter, and especially for her help in doing calligraphy.

      Thanks to the Barbara Bauer Literary Agency for all their help.

      Published by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd., with editorial offices at 364 Innovation Drive, North Clarendon, Vermont 05759 U.S.A. and 61 Tai Seng Avenue #02-12 Singapore 534167

      Copyright © 2009 Caroline Self and Susan Self

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the publisher.

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Self, Caroline, 1919-

       The art of Chinese brush painting : ink, paper, inspiration / Caroline Self and Susan Self.

      p. cm.

      Includes bibliographical references.

      ISBN: 978-1-4629-0581-2 (ebook)

       1. Ink painting, Chinese--Technique. I. Self, Susan, 1949- II. Title.

       ND2068.S44 2009 751.4’251--dc22



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      This book is dedicated to people who want to try something new and keep something old alive.


      Introduction 6

      Learning the Tradition 7

      Setting Up 22

      Beginning Brushwork 35

      Exploring Calligraphy 49

      Painting Bamboo 62

      Painting Chrysanthemum 84

      Painting Pine 96

      Painting Orchid 106

      Painting Plum Blossom 120

      Painting Popular Zodiac Animals 131

      Painting Landscape 149

      Sources for Oriental Art Supplies 175

      Books on China and Ink Painting 176


      This book introduces you to the art of painting with ink on rice paper using traditional Chinese techniques developed over a thousand years ago. Unlike many other books on Chinese painting available, this book does not teach the use of colored inks, watercolor techniques, or styles of composition influenced by Western traditions. The “colors” here are painted with shades of gray made by diluting the ink, just as black-and-white photography composes with light and darkness.

      You will learn to paint the classic subjects that inspired the ancient painters: towering landscapes; the elegant Four Gentlemen: bamboo, orchid, plum blossom, and chrysanthemum; the rugged, steadfast pine; and five fun animals from the Chinese Zodiac: rat, rabbit, rooster, horse, and dragon. Numerous exercises help you to master the brush before you start painting a subject. Since many painters were master calligraphers, you will also learn to paint the basic strokes used in calligraphy to acquire the expressiveness of line that makes a painting energized and eye-catching. The survey of how calligraphy developed over time will teach you to recognize and appreciate the different styles, many of which are still practiced today.

      Our first book, Chinese Brush Painting: A Hands-on Introduction to the Traditional Art, was geared for beginners from 9 to 90, as a low-cost, entry-level approach suitable for children in schools and adults just trying out the art. This book addresses the more committed adult beginner willing to invest money in high-quality supplies and time in practicing a larger variety of techniques and subject matter. Instead of the method of using tempera paint and watercolor brushes, this book introduces you to grinding your own ink with an ink stick and an ink stone, and the meditative practice that action introduces into the painting process. You will learn to distinguish the qualities of different types of brushes, ink stones, ink sticks, and paper so you know what to buy. In addition to the free-form or boneless style taught in the previous book, this book teaches the outlined or boned style of painting each subject. You will develop a larger range of techniques and strategies in learning the boned style and will come to appreciate the accomplishments of the artists that practiced it. You will get a sense of the strengths and weaknesses of each style and how to mix them for artistic effect.

      One of the larger intentions of this book is to provide an understanding of the historical context from which the art arose and the symbolism in the paintings for the artist. Chapter 1 surveys the history of the Chinese

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