Trust the Grind. Jeremy Bhandari
How World-Class Athletes
Got to the Top
Jeremy Bhandari
Coral Gables
Copyright © 2020 by Jeremy Bhandari.
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Trust the Grind: How World-Class Athletes Got to the Top
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication number: 2019954713
ISBN: (p) 978-1-64250-244-2 (e) 978-1-64250-245-9
BISAC category code: YAN051200, YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Social Topics / Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance
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To my friend PJ, who passed away in 2018 at just twenty-two years old after a battle with osteosarcoma. In November 2016, PJ had his first surgery to remove a tumor in his hip. The following are two passages from PJ’s post, “The depth of my gratitude is equal to the height of my success—and I feel victorious,” which can be found on Boston Children’s Hospital’s pediatric health blog.
“When I was first going through treatment, I learned that sometimes you have to take it one day at a time, one hour at a time, or even one second at a time. Those hard times taught me to appreciate all the great moments I have in a day. We all have so many great moments that we take for granted. I learned that if I just took a second to change my mentality and perspective, I could enjoy everything so much more.”
“They told me I’d never walk again, at least not without a really bad limp and a cane. But after four months of physical therapy, I was walking on a single cane. The next summer, I hiked to the top of Mt. Monadnock with two of my friends, Gaby and Greg. I just kept working at it and doing a little more every day until I could hike without crutches or a cane. I started doing hikes at Noanet Woodlands in Dover every day and decided I wanted to try Mt. Monadnock. That hike was way more than I expected, and I really had to push it to get to the top. But, once I was there, it felt like such an accomplishment. I had been told I wouldn’t be able to walk, and there I was at the top of a mountain.”
Thank you for epitomizing greatness as an athlete, student, friend, son, and brother. Your legacy will live on forever.
Table of Contents
A Look into This Wonderful World
Eat Right, Exercise, and Watch Your Swagger Rise
Positive Thinking Is a Superpower