Periplus Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

Periplus Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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mắt v to be just awakened; to be early morning

      bảnh trai adj handsome

      bánh n cake; all types of cake; cookies

      bánh bao n dumpling

      bánh bèo n fern-shaped rice cake

      bánh canh n Vietnamese rice noodle soup cooked with crab/meat

      bánh chưng n Vietnamese square glutinous rice cake

      bánh cuốn n steamed fresh rolled rice cake

      bánh đa n dry rice paper

      bánh đậu xanh n mung bean cake

      bánh in n glutinous rice cake filled with mung bean

      bánh khoái n Hue pancake

      bánh lái n steering wheel

      bánh mì n bread

      bánh nướng n pie

      bánh phồng tôm n shrimped cake

      bánh phở n fresh rice noodle

      bánh qui n biscuit

      bánh tét n Vietnamese cylin­dric glutinous rice cake filled with mung bean paste and pork

      bánh trái n cakes

      bánh tráng n dry rice paper

      bánh Trung Thu n mid-autumn festival cake

      bánh ú n small pyramidal glutinous rice cake

      bánh xe n car wheel

      bánh xèo n Saigon pancake filled with shrimp, pork and soybean sprouts

      bao I n bag II v to cover, to pack, to wrap

      bao bì n packing, wrapping

      bao biện v to act as a pooh-bah

      bao bọc v to protect; to surround

      bao cao su n condom

      bao cấp v to centralize budget subsidies

      bao che v to defend, to cover up

      bao dung adj generous, tolerant

      bao giờ pron when, what time

      bao gồm v to include

      bao hàm v to imply

      bao la adj immense, unlimited

      bao lâu pron how long

      bao nhiêu pron how much, how many

      bao phủ v to cover

      bao quát v to embrace, to include

      bao qui đầu n foreskin

      bao tải n jute bag

      bao tay n glove

      bao thầu v to take a contract

      bao tránh thai n condom

      bao trùm v to cover the whole thing

      bao tử n stomach

      bao vây v to surround, to besiege; to sanction

      bao vây tiến tệ v to blockade a monetary system

      bao xa adj how far

      bào I n plane II v to plane, to smoothen

      bào chế v to produce medicines, to make drugs

      bào chữa v to defend

      bào ngư n abalone

      bào thai n fetus

      bảo v to tell; to say

      bảo an n security

      bảo ban v to give an advice

      bảo chứng v to warrant

      bản dưỡng v to take care of, to maintain

      bảo đảm v to ensure; to guarantee

      bảo hành v to give a warranty

      bảo hiểm v to insure; to be insured

      bảo hiểm du lịch n travel insurance

      bảo hiểm hàng hoá n merchandise insurance

      bảo hiểm nhân thọ n life insurance

      bảo hiểm tài sản n property insurance

      bảo hiểm xã hội n social security insurance

      bảo hiểm xe n car insurance

      bảo hiểm y tế n health insurance

      bảo hộ v to protect

      bảo hộ lao động v to protect labor safety

      bảo hộ mậu dịch n trade protection

      bảo lãnh v to sponsor

      bảo mật v to keep secretly, to be confidential

      bảo quản v to maintain; to preserve

      bảo sanh n maternity

      bảo tàng viện n museum

      bảo tháp n Buddhist stupa tower

      bảo thủ adj conservative

      bảo toàn v to keep intact, to preserve perfectly

      bảo tồn v to conserve; to preserve

      bảo trì v to maintain

      bảo trợ v to sponsor

      bảo vệ v to protect; to defend

      bão n storm; cyclone

      bão bùng adj stormy

      bão hoà adj saturated

      bão táp n violent storm, severe hurricane

      bão tố n violent storm

      bão tuyết n snow storm

      báo n 1 newspaper; magazine 2 panther

      báo cáo I v to report II n report

      báo chí n press (in general)

      báo danh n candidate list

      báo đáp v to requite

      báo động v to be alert; to alarm

      báo giới n media, press

      báo hại v to cause harm to someone

      báo hỉ v to announce a wedding

      báo hiếu v to show gratitude towards one’s parents

      báo hiệu v to give the signal

      báo mộng v to have an omen in a dream

      báo oán v to revenge oneself upon

      báo ơn v to requite one’s favors

      báo tang v to announce one’s death

      báo thù v to revenge oneself

      báo thức v to wake up

      báo tin v to inform; to advise

      bạo adj brave, bold

      bạo bệnh n serious illness

      bạo chúa n tyrant

      bạo dạn adj daring, fearless

      bạo động v to be violent

      bạo gan adj brave, audacious

      bạo hành n violence

      bạo lực n violence

      bạo ngược adj wickedly cruel

      bạo tàn v to be cruel

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