Gaining positional advantage using passing feints (TU 10). Jörg Madinger
Gaining positional advantage using passing feints (TU 10)
The key topics of this training unit are passing feints and how to combine them with a breakthrough or a return pass to a teammate. Following a warm-up running exercise, the players already learn how to pass the ball cleverly in a short game; this will be further developed in the ball familiarization phase. In the goalkeeper warm-up shooting exercise, the players practice passing feints in combination with a 1-on-1 breakthrough; in the subsequent series of shots, they combine the passing feint with a return pass to their teammate. Both variants will be implemented twice in the subsequent 1-on-1, 3-on-2, and 4-on-4 games.
The training unit consists of the following key exercises:
- Warm-up/Stretching (individual exercise: 10 minutes/total time: 10 minutes)
- Short game (10/20)
- Ball familiarization (15/35)
- Goalkeeper warm-up shooting (10/45)
- Offense/Series of shots (10/55)
- Offense/Individual (10/65)
- Offense/Small groups (15/80)
- Closing game (10/90)
Training unit total time: 90 min.
Training unit requirements:
Publishing information
1st English edition released on 18 Oct 2018
German original edition released on 22 Sep 2014
Published by DV Concept
Editors, design, and layout: Jörg Madinger, Elke Lackner
Proofreading and English translation: Nina-Maria Nahlenz
ISBN: 978-3-95641-276-9
This publication is listed in the catalogue of the German National Library. Please refer to for bibliographic data.
The work and its components are protected by copyright. No reprinting, photomechanical reproduction, storing or processing in electronic systems without the publisher's written permission.
Equipment required:
- 12 cones (of different color)
- 2 poles
- 2 ball boxes with sufficient number of handballs
TU 10-1 Warm-up/Stretching (10/10)
- Position cones of different color outside of the 9-meter zone.
- Each player has a handball. The players do different exercises with a ball within the 9-meter zone (see below).
- At any point in time, the coach calls out a color (e.g. “blue”).
- This is the sign for the players to dribble around one of the blue cones and then move back into the 9-meter zone.
- The last players must do a short extra task (e.g. jumping jacks, sit-ups, or similar).
Exercises in the 9-meter zone:
- Dribbling with the left/right hand alternately.
- Hopping and dribbling simultaneously.
- Throwing the ball in the air and catch it.
- Hand over the ball through the legs from one side to the other alternately.
- Assign words to the individual cones (apple, pear, plum, banana) and call out one of these words instead of a color.
TU 10-2 Short game (10/20)
- Use cones to define corridors (3 to 5, depending on the number of players).
- In each corridor, there are 2 defending players and three attacking players alternately (two attacking players are sufficient in the first corridor).
- The attacking players must pass all the balls from the ball box from one side to the other side and put them into the box as fast as they can.
- Once he has played the pass,
- The defense players should try to block the balls or to steal them while moving inside their corridor. If they succeed, they must pass the ball back to
- Stop the time as soon as all the balls are in the target box. Afterwards, repeat the exercise with four new defending players and switch the tasks of the attacking players.
- Which defending team is able to block the attacking players for the longest time?
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