Improving speed play for fast break situations (TU 4). Jörg Madinger
Improving speed play for fast break situations (TU 4)
The objective of this training unit is to improve free play in fast break situations. Following warm-up and a short game, the players play long passes during the ball familiarization phase which will be further developed in the goalkeeper warm-up shooting exercise. This is followed by a series of shots requiring precise passes. Afterwards, the players practice free play in outnumbered, open situations during fast breaks. A closing game with gradually increasing complexity completes this training unit.
The training unit consists of the following key exercises:
- Warm-up/Stretching (individual exercise: 10 minutes/total time: 10 minutes)
- Short game (10/20)
- Ball familiarization (10/30)
- Goalkeeper warm-up shooting (10/40)
- Offense/Series of shots (10/50)
- Offense/Small groups (15/65)
- Offense/Small groups (10/75)
- Closing game (15/90)
Total training time: 90 minutes
Publishing information
1st English edition released on 14 Nov 2018
German original edition released on 16 Mai 2016
ISBN: 978-3-95641-288-2
Published by DV Concept
Editors, design, and layout: Jörg Madinger, Elke Lackner
Proofreading and English translation: Nina-Maria Nahlenz
This publication is listed in the catalogue of the German National Library. Please refer to for bibliographic data.
The work and its components are protected by copyright. No reprinting, photomechanical reproduction, storing or processing in electronic systems without the publisher's written permission.
Equipment required:
- 6-10 cones
- one small vaulting box
- 6 medicine balls
- 1 game of cards
- 8 foam noodles (foam beams)
- 2 ball boxes
- each with a sufficient number of handballs
TU 4-1 Warm-up/Stretching (10/10)
- The players make teams of 2, with each team having a ball.
- The players crisscross the gym pairwise while doing different running and passing moves (passing with the throwing hand/non-throwing hand/jump shot passes/wrist passes/passes behind the back).
- After some time, the players gradually increase the distance to each other so that they must play long passes in the end.
Afterwards, the players perform stretching/mobilization exercises together.
TU 4-2 Short game (10/20)
- Put medicine balls on the floor in front of each goal line, make two teams.
- The players initially play team ball in the bottom half of the playing field.
- While doing this, the team in ball possession tries to play five passes in a row, avoiding that the other team wins the ball (A and B).
- The players count the passes loudly.
- If a team manages to play five passes in a row, the players immediately start to run towards the other half of the playing field (C), with the player in ball possession initiating the fast break (D).
- By moving in a well-coordinated manner (E) and passing the ball cleverly (F), the attacking players try to get a player into a good shooting position (G), and to eventually finish the action with a shot at the medicine balls.
- The other team tries to interrupt the fast break (H).
- If the attacking players hit a medicine ball so that it rolls into the goal, they get a point.
- After the shot, the former defending team secures the ball at once and starts to pass it in the upper half of the playing field.
- Which team has scored highest when all of the medicine balls have rolled into the goal or out of the playing field?
TU 4-3 Ball familiarization (10/30)
- The players make pairs. For each team, position two cones at a large distance to each other (see figure).