Developing and improving the shooting movement (TU 5). Jörg Madinger
Developing and improving the shooting movement (TU 5)
This training unit focuses on acquiring and improving correct shooting movements. This means shooting while standing and shooting while running, without a jump however, in order to highlight arm and body movements. Following a warm-up exercise which already involves shots, the players practice the shoulder and arm rotation for shooting and subsequently combine these moves in a passing competition. In a short game, the players implement the shooting movements in a game situation. This is followed by the goalkeeper warm-up shooting and a closing series of shots which focuses on shooting at the goal.
The training unit consists of the following key exercises:
- Warm-up/Stretching (individual exercise: 15 minutes/total time: 15 minutes)
- Ball familiarization (10/25)
- Ball familiarization (10/35)
- Shooting competitions (15/50)
- Short game (15/65)
- Goalkeeper warm-up shooting (10/75)
- Offense/Series of shots (15/90)
Training unit total time: 90 min.
1st English edition released on 18 Oct 2018
German original edition released on 28 Jul 2014
ISBN: 978-3-95641-292-9
Published by DV Concept
Editors, design, and layout: Jörg Madinger, Elke Lackner
Proofreading and English translation: Nina-Maria Nahlenz
This publication is listed in the catalogue of the German National Library. Please refer to for bibliographic data.
The work and its components are protected by copyright. No reprinting, photomechanical reproduction, storing or processing in electronic systems without the publisher's written permission.
Equipment required:
- 12 cones
- 6 small vaulting boxes
- 2 large vaulting boxes
- 4 medicine balls
- 2 large foam dices (or small dices)
- 2 score cards (see below)
- 2 pens
- 2 ball boxes with sufficient number of handballs
TU 5-1 Warm-up/Stretching (15/15)
Course 1:
- Each player has a handball. The players crisscross the half of the court while dribbling their ball.
- Once the coach whistles, the players stop, lift their ball over their head with both hands, and vigorously bounce it on the floor so that it flies high up in the air. Afterwards, the players try to catch their ball before it touches the ground.
Course 2:
- The players crisscross the half of the court again. Once the coach whistles, the players run towards the gym wall, bounce their ball against the wall with both hands, and try to catch it (it may bounce on the floor one time).
Course 3:
- The players crisscross the half of the court again. Once the coach whistles, the players run towards the gym wall, bounce their ball against the wall with their throwing hand, and try to catch it (it may bounce on the floor one time).
Course 4:
- The players crisscross the half of the court again. Once the coach whistles, the players run towards the gym wall, bounce their ball against the wall with their non-throwing hand, and try to catch it (it may bounce on the floor one time).
TU 5-2 Ball familiarization (10/25)
- The players make teams of 2. Each team of 2 gets a small vaulting box with a medicine ball on top that serves as the target. Define the shooting distance with two cones.
Course 1:
- While doing this,
- Switch tasks after three shots.
- The other groups do the drill in parallel.
- Repeat the drill four times until each player has shot 12 times.
Course 2:
- The basic course remains the same as course 1.