Blended Vocabulary for K--12 Classrooms. Kimberly a. Tyson
VOCABULARY | for K–12 Classrooms |
Harnessing the Power of Digital Tools and Direct Instruction
Kimberly A. Tyson Angela B. Peery
Copyright © 2017 by Solution Tree Press
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ISBN: 978-0-9913748-3-0 (paperback)
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This book is dedicated to my two children, Taylor-Ruth and Corbin. You have taught me more about the meaning of life and love than you will ever know. To my wonderful parents, Willard and Ruth Tyson, who have always believed in me. Your unwavering love, support, and encouragement continue to shape who I am. And, to my best friends and sisters, Charleen and Heather.
As we were finishing this book, one of our greatest American authors passed away. Pat Conroy was a master of words—and he was a friend. Every time I spoke with Pat, he wanted to know more about my job and about all the teachers with whom I was working. He revered teachers and paid homage to them in every book he wrote. So I dedicate this book to the memory of Pat Conroy, and I hope I’m doing his memory some small justice by supporting teachers with the ideas within.
This book might not have been written had Claudia Wheatley, an educator and professional matchmaker of sorts, not introduced Kimberly and Angela. From there, the book that Kimberly envisioned took shape alongside Angela’s expertise, knowledge, and experience. Claudia knows a good match when she sees one, and Kimberly and Angela both thank her.
Kimberly would like to thank two specific groups of dedicated teachers and instructional coaches: first, the teachers at Garden City Elementary School (Indianapolis, Indiana), who continue to work diligently to improve vocabulary instruction, particularly to meet the needs of English learners; and second, the K–12 Literacy Leadership Team at Zionsville Community Schools (Zionsville, Indiana), who not only dug deep to understand and implement the tiered vocabulary framework but also helped lead schoolwide implementation efforts. In addition, Kimberly thanks the many teachers, instructional coaches, principals, and administrators she has been privileged to work with and support to help refine effective vocabulary instruction. Their diligent instruction and feedback have helped shape her thinking and have made this resource more useful for others.
Angela would like to thank teachers Casey Rice and Ann Twigg for sharing examples of word walls and other vocabulary displays. Angela is also indebted to the teachers at Zwolle Elementary School (Zwolle, Louisiana) and McGuire College (Shepparton, Australia) for helping her explore effective vocabulary instruction in the context of their classrooms and their students. Lastly, Angela thanks Ginger Williams Garner for her unwavering support and for access to her students at Robert Smalls International Academy (Beaufort, South Carolina).
Solution Tree Press would like to thank the following reviewers:
Tracy S. Bailey
Chief Executive Officer
Freedom Readers™
After School Literacy Program
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Melissa Biggerstaff
Associate Executive Director
Green River Regional
Educational Cooperative
Bowling Green, Kentucky
Tonia Carriger
Program Coordinator
School on Wheels
Indianapolis, Indiana
Laura Frost
English Teacher
Nevada Virtual Academy
Las Vegas, Nevada
Chris Grissom
Associate Professor,
Exceptional Needs Education
Marian University
Indianapolis, Indiana
Dana Johansen
Fifth-Grade Teacher
Greenwich Academy
Greenwich, Connecticut
Sarah Ledon
High School Instructional Coach
Nevada Virtual Academy
Las Vegas, Nevada
Maryellen Leelman
Speech/Language Pathologist
Lexington Public Schools
Lexington, Massachusetts
Carol Lutz
Kokomo, Indiana
Ann Sweeney
Former Sixth-Grade Teacher
Greensburg, Indiana
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