The Gaslighting of the Millennial Generation. Caitlin Fisher
Praise for
The Gaslighting of the Millennial Generation
“The Gaslighting of the Millennial Generation systematically debunks most of the media’s oversimplifying claims about our generation.”
—Caroline Beaton, journalist for Forbes, Psychology Today, and The Huffington Post
“This is a must-read for anyone who wants a better understanding of the betrayal of a generation told they could be anything if they worked hard, only to be mocked and shamed as the American Dream slips further from their grasp. It’s time to listen, rather than blame the messengers.”
—Melanie Childers, Master Certified Confidence Coach
“So often media outlets throw my generation in my face as the ruiners of life, which makes Caitlin Fisher’s book necessary, among other things. Her musings are relatable, her writing style is hilarious, and her unwavering support of Millennials makes me proud to be one. Kudos to her for offering up her personal insights as a connector for so many of us.”
—Nina Rossi, founder, Bright Thoughts
“Millennials are killing it. It’s time we stopped blaming them and started thanking them. Caitlin Fisher explains why in this insightful, relatable book.”
—L. S. Quinn, founder, Reading Room CLE
“A true Millennial, Fisher built an accidentally viral blog post into a full-length book packed with humor, insight, and call-outs. The artful way she weaves personal anecdotes into data analysis gives the reader a true glance into why so many Millennials are ‘killing’ society as we know it.”
—Jess Reed, teacher, author’s sister
of the Millennial Generation
of the Millennial Generation
How to Succeed in a Society
That Blames You for
Everything Gone Wrong
Caitlin Fisher
[no image in epub file]
Mango Publishing
Coral Gables
Copyright © 2019 Caitlin Fisher
Published by Mango Publishing Group, a division of Mango Media Inc.
Cover Design: Roberto Núñez
Layout & Design: Roberto Núñez
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The Gaslighting of the Millennial Generation: How to Succeed in a Society That Blames You for Everything Gone Wrong
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication number: 2019935675
ISBN: (print) 978-1-63353-884-9, (ebook) 978-1-63353-885-6
BISAC category code: SOC022000 SOCIAL SCIENCE / Popular Culture
Printed in the United States of America
To Jess.
You are my hero and my best friend.
I’m sorry about the chalupa.
Table of Contents
Or “Who the Hell Are You and Why Should I Read Your Book?”
The Gaslighting of the Millennial Generation
Millennials Are Entitled, Disrespectful Punks
Millennials Are Killing the American Dream
Millennials Are Killing Basic Respect
Millennials Are Killing the Workplace
Millennials Are Killing Education
Millennials Are Destroying Society
Millennials Are Killing Diet and Fitness
Millennials Are Killing the Economy
Millennials Are Killing the Church
Millennials Are Just Making Stuff Up Now
Millennials Are Killing Gender