The ABC's of LGBT+. Ashley Mardell

The ABC's of LGBT+ - Ashley Mardell

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      [no image in epub file]

      Copyright © 2016 by Ashley Mardell

      Published by Mango Media Inc.

      Theme and Layout: Roberto Núñez

      Illustrations: August Osterloh

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission.

      ISBN 978-1-63353-408-7


      I dedicate this book to my family,

      To Grace, for being the magnificent, brave prince she is. Without her resilient confidence in my abilities, I’m not sure I would have been able to ward off the many self-doubt-monsters and uncertainty-mongrels, that troubled me as I wrote.

      To Elliot for always warming my lap, walking on my keyboard, knocking over my coffee, and making me laugh as I wrote.

      To Arthur for being fat, cute, and fluffy as I wrote.

      Table of Contents



        Who is writing this book?

        What is this book about?

        Why is this book important?

        Who is this book for?

        How to use this book:

        A disclaimer:

       Part 1: Spectrums

       Part 2: Gender

       Intro to sex and gender

        What is sex?

        What is gender?

        Gender expression:


       Identities and Terms

       Part 3: Sexual and Romantic Identities

       Sexual and Romantic Orientations: What Are They?

        Sexual orientation:

        Romantic orientation:

       Identities and Terms

        Single gender attraction:

        Multiple gender attractions:

        Fluid attractions:

        Asexual and aromantic identities:

        More sexual and romantic identities:


        Terms and identity index!

      Abrosexual/romantic: Someone who experiences a fluid and/or changing orientation.

      Ace: An umbrella term for any identity on the asexual spectrum. Also shorthand for “asexual.”

      Ace/aroflux: Someone who experiences varying degrees of attraction.

      Affirm: to support, validate, and/or assert that something is true/correct.

      Agender/genderless: Someone who is without gender, gender neutral, and/or rejects the concept of gender for themselves.

      Ally: Someone who does not identify as LGBTQIA+, but actively supports the community.

      Androgyne: A non-binary gender in which a person is both a man and woman, neither a man nor woman, and/or somewhere in between man and woman.

      Androgynesexual/romantic: Someone who is attracted to androgyny.

      Androgynous: Possessing qualities which are traditionally associated as both masculine and feminine, neither masculine nor feminine, and/or in between masculine and feminine.

      Aporagender: Both a specific gender identity and an umbrella term for being a non-binary gender separate from man, woman, and anything in between while still having a very strong and specific gendered feeling.

      Appropriation: Borrowing or adopting something as one’s own when it did not originate from them or their culture. This type of use occurs without proper understanding, credit, and/or permission. (Example: white people wearing feathered headdresses as costumes during Halloween.)

      Aro: An umbrella term for any identity on the aromantic spectrum. Also shorthand for “aromantic.”

      Aromantic: An umbrella term, or stand-alone identifier, for someone who experiences little or no romantic attraction.

      Asexual: An umbrella term, or stand-alone identifier, for someone who experiences little or no sexual attraction.

      Autosexual/romantic: Being able to elicit a sexual/romantic attraction from yourself by yourself and/or not desiring to partake in sexual activity with others, but still enjoying being sexually

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