Economic Concepts of Ibn Taimiyah. Abdul Azim Islahi
Islamic Economics Series-12
Economic Conceptsof Ibn Taimīyah
The Islamic Foundation
© The Islamic Foundation 1988/1408 H. Reprinted 1996/1417 H.
ISBN (hard case) 0 86037 181 6
ISBN (paperback) 0 86037 182 4
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Cover design by Rashid Rahman
Published by
The Islamic Foundation,
Markfield Dawah Centre,
Ratby Lane, Markfield,
Leicester LE67 9RN,
United Kingdom
Quran House,
P.O. Box 30611,
PMB 3193,
Islahi, Abdul Azim
Economic concepts of Ibn Taimīyah.–
(Islamic economics series: 12).
1. Taymiyyah, Ahmad ibn ‘Abd al-Halīm–
Contributions in economics 2. Economics–
Religious aspects–Islam 3. Islam–
I. Title II. Islamic Foundation
III. Series
330.15’ 12 BP80.129
ISBN 0-86037-181-6
ISBN 0-86037-182-4 Pbk
Printed and bound in Great Britain by
CPI Antony Rowe. Chippenham and Eastbourne
Introduction – Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqui
Chapter I: The Age of Ibn Taimīyah
2. Administration in Syria and Egypt under the Mamluks
2. Intellectual and educational background
Chapter II: Ibn Taimīyah – A Brief Biography
A. His family, education and personal character
B. His struggles and persecutions
2. Opposition of rival ‘ulamā’
1. The main aspects of his reforms
D. Attack on philosophy and logic
E. His method of teaching, style of writing and his disciples
F. Impact of Ibn Taimīyah through the ages