On War, Whimsy, and The Way. Joseph Palen

On War, Whimsy, and The Way - Joseph Palen

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      On War, Whimsy, and The Way

      Random Thoughts over the Years

      Joseph Palen



      Random Thoughts over the Years

      Copyright © 2013 Joseph Palen. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401.

      Resource Publications

      An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers

      199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3

      Eugene, OR 97401


      ISBN 13: 978–1-62032–843-9

      EISBN 13: 978-1-62189-574-9

      Manufactured in the U.S.A.

      Plane Talk

      They said the plane was still on time,

      It was 30 minutes late.

       Then they said “we’re boarding now,”

       Another 20 minutes wait.

      The plane we’re on should be gone,

       We still are at the gate.

       By now I don’t even really believe—

       The “. . .bag will not inflate”!


      Billions of billions

       Huge blazing balls of fire

       Wildly careening at tremendous speed in all directions.

       In a corner of this massive display

       A tiny spinning speck of dirt

       With brown and green organic matter.

       What is the significance of this brown and green organic matter?

      I don’t know

       But the owner’s Son says

       He cares about it.

      Love your enemy?

      For the fearless

       A game of real danger

       A skating on ice that is thin

       They say you will lose

       And you definitely will.

       You may not try it again.

       But I’ve heard it said

       and I believe it is true;

       I’ve seen it break through the pain.

       If they don’t take away

       your love for them,

       you both are the ones

       who will win.

      About Time

      Well now I’m retired

       I thought not to happen,

       But time flows like a river


       I now wash my clothes

       and find new time keepers;

       The retirement check and

       monthly bill

       Today I was wondering

       as life ticks away

       and the dryer clock checks on its fill

       How many more dryer loads

       left in the account

       Before all of the tickers

       are still.

      The Wouldn’t Be Disciple

      “Sell all you have, give to the poor

       Then come and follow me.”

       A better offer never made

       but did not come for free.

       To join the band of twelve and heal,

       maybe pen a Gospel too,

       Was more offer than a diamond mine

       but easy to misconstrue.

       The guy thought first about his “car,

       his boat and hunting gun.”

       If sold the poor might benefit but

       what about his fun?

       He did not stop to think it through,

       got stuck on the first part.

       So left the Lord with only twelve

       and a sadness in his heart.

      Winners and Losers

      Who are the winners, the losers today?

       they said, as bombs rained down.

       I thought we’d learned this lesson well

       at least by the last time around.

       Well, silly me, whose read history

       and should finally dig the scene.

       It goes on and on and ‘round and ‘round

       and cold and cruel and mean.

       And no one ever wins

       not even he who sins by

       making all many things that killing so requires.

       The profit gained is so soon drained and

       the advantage soon expires.

       Only God knows why we do not learn and

       cease this sickly trend.

       And He says one day He’ll call it quits and

       bring this all to end.

       So winner-losers, do not ask;

       this game cannot be won.

       But if killing must proceed, in the game for the greed,

       Please let me not be the one.

      For Suprapto (beloved Indonesian teacher)

      We saw a shooting star last night

       and have heard the Indians say

       the meaning is “a Great Chief has died

       and his spirit is on its way.”

       We later heard that ‘Prapto,

       our close friend, had passed away.

       He was young, and kind, and very smart.

       The “why” no one could say.

       We sorrow with those who are left behind, and

       ask God to sooth their grief.

       But now we know the Indians were right.

       Suprapto was a Great Chief!

      All in One?

      Three Peoples reaching up to you

       Yet among themselves they fight

       This cannot be what You want

       Please fix it, make it right


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