Compass and Clock. David Sanders
Compass and Clock
Compass & Clock
David Sanders
Swallow Press / Ohio University Press
Athens, Ohio
Swallow Press
An imprint of Ohio University Press, Athens, Ohio 45701
© 2016 by David Sanders
All rights reserved
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Swallow Press / Ohio University Press books are printed on acid-free paper
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Sanders, David, 1955 March 4–
Title: Compass and clock : poems / David Sanders.
Description: Athens, Ohio : Swallow Press, 2016.
Identifiers: LCCN 2015044707| ISBN 9780804011709 (paperback) | ISBN 9780804040709 (pdf)
Subjects: | BISAC: POETRY / General.
Classification: LCC PS3619.A5263 A6 2016 | DDC 811/.6—dc23
LC record available at
Some of these poems first appeared in the following journals: New Orleans Review, Christian Science Monitor, Poetry East, Staten Island Review, Mankato Review, Stand Magazine, West Branch, Zone 5, Hiram Poetry Review, New Letters, Notre Dame Review, Atlanta Review, Hudson Review, Southern Review, New Compass, Cincinnati Poetry Review, New Criterion, Other Voices, Boston Review, and Unsplendid. Others first appeared in the following limited editions: Time in Transit (The Literary House Press) and Nearer to Town (R. L. Barth).
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