Hands Through Stone. James A. Ardaiz

Hands Through Stone - James A. Ardaiz

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       How Clarence Ray Allen Masterminded Murder from Behind Folsom’s Prison Walls

       James A. Ardaiz

       Fresno, California

       Hands Through Stone

      Copyright © 2012 by James A. Ardaiz. All rights reserved.

      Published by Craven Street Books

      An imprint of Linden Publishing

      2006 South Mary Street, Fresno, California 93721

      (559) 233-6633 / (800) 345-4447


      Craven Street Books and Colophon are trademarks of

      Linden Publishing, Inc.

      Cover image © Benjamin Howell

      ISBN 978-1-61035-140-9


      Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper.

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Ardaiz, James A.

      Hands through stone : how Clarence Ray Allen masterminded murder from behind Folsom’s prison walls / James A. Ardaiz.

      p. cm.

      Includes index.

      ISBN 978-1-61035-129-4 (cloth : alk. paper)

      1. Allen, Clarence Ray, 1930-2006. 2. Murder--California--Fresno--Case studies. 3. Murderers--California--Fresno--Case studies. 4. Prisoners--California--Folsom--Case studies. I. Title.

      HV6534.F74A74 2012




      This book is dedicated to the men and women who wear law enforcement badges. They place themselves between us and those that would hurt us. They do this every day and they keep doing it until they finish the job they have been given. The officers depicted in this book are real people, but they represent all of those men and women: Willie “Bill” Martin, Art Christenson, Tom Lean, Ernie Duran, Harry Massucco, Ken Badiali. Each of them saw their job through to the end, and that end came long after they had retired. They stood their watch. I am proud to count them among my friends. And to my friend and investigator, Bill Martin, when the final moments closed in this case we all drank a toast to you. You were there in spirit and you will always be there in our hearts.

      I would also like to acknowledge the courage of a young man who has borne the scars of a crime victim from youth to middle age. Joe Rios survived this crime by the grace of God and his own quick thinking. He stood his ground as a witness, as did others who gave their lives because they were witnesses. He was a hero and he stood up in court for his friends. And so did Jack Abbott, whose courage helped us track down a killer.

      I would also like to dedicate this book to citizens who walk into court every day, raise their right hands, and swear to tell the truth. Seldom have witnesses who performed this duty paid with their lives. Bryon Schletewitz did, and he deserves to be remembered for doing his duty as a citizen.

      Finally, I would like to dedicate this book to the district attorneys and attorneys general who bring these cases to trial and sometimes, as in this case, spend their entire careers to help give justice to those who have been victimized, like Ray and Fran Schletewitz. Ray and Fran didn’t see justice in their lifetimes for the crimes against their family, but I think they knew that others would make sure that justice was delivered. I would like to think that they knew I kept my word. I tried to see it through to the end. That is what this book is about.


      I would like to thank the many men and women in law enforcement who assisted me in ensuring the accuracy of this book. I would also like to thank my editor, Barbara Gordon, for helping me make this a better book and my agent, Andrée Abecassis of the Ann Elmo Literary Agency, for encouraging me when I needed encouragement.

      To my friends who read this book and not only offered their insight, but also stayed my friends when I asked them to read it again and again, I thank you. Justice Betty Ann Richli, Nic and Nancy Boghosian, Tom Lean, Art Christenson, thank you.

      And most of all, thank you, Pam, my wife, for putting up with me writing things down at all hours of the night. Thank you for constantly encouraging me to keep at it. When I first ran for office you pulled our kids along in a little red wagon, going door to door to tell voters about me. No matter how long I live I will always think of you pulling that wagon and I will know that, as with almost everything in our lives, you did it for love of me. There is no greater gift.




       Chapter 1: Murder at Fran’s Market

       Chapter 2: “We have a triple …”

       Chapter 3: A Cop’s Worst Nightmare


       Chapter 4: A Gun Definitely Gets Your Attention

       Chapter 5: Never Piss Off a Mother

       Chapter 6: Even Criminals Have Standards

       Chapter 7: You Don’t Break a Horse in One Ride

       Chapter 8: Follow the Money

       Chapter 9: “The toughest part of a cop’s job …”

       Chapter 10: What Happened to Mary Sue?

       Chapter 11: A Robbery at Kmart

       Chapter 12: Kmart Robbery Aftermath

       Chapter 13: Fear Has Its Own Smell

       Chapter 14: Like the Scales of a Snake

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