Pearls of Wisdom - Pure & Powerful. Dr. Liz Anderson Peacock
Pearls of Wisdom,
Pure & Powerful
Dr. Liz Anderson-Peacock
International Health Publishing
February 22, 2008
Publishing Group Affirming Truth & Innate Wisdom
Copyright © 2010 by Liz Anderson-Peacock
Foreword and Assignments copyright © 2010 by Liz Anderson-Peacock
Well Adjusted Health Pyramid copyright © 2010 by Jennifer Barham-Floreani
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Pearls Of Wisdom, Pure & Powerful
Dr. Liz Anderson-Peacock
Published in eBook format by International Health Publishing
Converted by
ePUB ISBN-13: 978-0-9818353-9-6
ePUB ISBN-10: 0-9818353-9-2
Pearls of Wisdom,
Pure & Powerful
“You rarely find words like love, prayer, tears, heart, spirit and intuition in success literature these days. But you’ll find them in here! Along with empowered, passion, balance and certainty. Discover that real success lies within.” ~ William D. Esteb – Chiropractic patient and advocate since 1981,
“Knowing Dr. Liz and many of the contributing authors of this book, I knew this book would be filled with the wisdom of those who have reached within themselves and touched the source of infinite possibilities – which is indeed the source of all. As I started reviewing the various contributions, I was inspired by the clarity and certainty each of these pure and powerful woman expresses in describing their journey towards living an innately guided life. The wisdom within these pages, when applied, will transform lives. Those who read this book and apply its wisdom will touch and release the innate giant within and discover the life of their dreams that has been within them since they were loved into existence. This book offers to all who integrate its wisdom into their being, the pure and powerful life that living innately provides.” ~ Dr. Peter Amlinger – International Speaker, coach and 2007 Canadian Chiropractor of the Year.
“Simply inspiring – a magnificent chiropractic gem!” ~ Dr. John Demartini – Founder of the Demartini Institute™, Best-selling author of Count Your Blessings – The Healing Power of Gratitude and Love, Featured in “The Secret”.
“The Innate wisdom of this book propels people into action and is a timeless gift for all chiropractors!”
~ International Health Publishing.
"Relevant and reflective, refreshing and purposeful, encouraging and uplifting for all our souls!" ~ Becky Halstead – Retired US Army Brigadier General, fibromyalgia chiropractic patient, Spokesperson for the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress.
"An enlightening work of experiences for new and existing Chiropractors and new business owners in the health professions, reminding us to think and feel with our internal wisdom." ~ Karen Furneaux MSc. – Kinesiology & Sport Psychology, President & CEO Promise Performance, Inc., 3-time Olympian, 2-time World Champion, 17-year member Canadian Sprint Kayak Team.
“Wow! It turns out that Pearls of Wisdom, Pure and Powerful is not just another sound-good title for a book. It is an accurate compendium of the shared warm, personal stories, incredible understanding, knowledge and insights of 19 of our profession’s most successful and enlightened female Chiropractors. Together, they say it all - vividly displaying their individual journeys on the way to establishing the incredible belief systems and love that have turned them into true healers and advocates of our precious Chiropractic Principles. This is a MUST read for every female chiropractor in the world and their male counterparts, as well.” ~ Larry Markson DC – The Markson Connection / The Cabin Experience.
“A brilliant compilation of the female leaders in chiropractic, so much to be said, so little time to say it.” ~ Dr. Jim Sigafoose – recognized worldwide for his inspirational messages, Chiropractic Philosophy and legendary teachings.
“This is a book of rare grace. The authors reveal in their stories the most profound depths of the feminine qualities that are so necessary, at least in part, in the health practitioner- empathy, compassion, sensitivity, intuition, and yes, humour and intelligence. These women live in authentic harmony with the life force, flowing freely, and they guide us to practice in this rewarding way.” ~ Dr. Judy Hinwood – Mentor Emeritus, The Centre for Powerful Practices, Casuarina Beach, Australia.
“Amazing things happen in chiropractic when you are in tune with innate, on focus, and accept cases where you know that the removal of nerve pressure can enable all types of healing miracles to take place in the human body. This is a book of inspiration.” ~ Dr John Hinwood – “The Miracle Man”, Casuarina Beach, Australia, author of international best seller You Can Expect a Miracle.
"The idea of women sharing with individuals of like-mind and talent was BRILLIANT. Some stories made me smile while others made me (temporarily) sad; but they all made me proud to be associated with so many fine women in such an amazing profession. Common threads were noted running through every story regardless of the choice of college, technique and any presenting circumstance. Bottom line - we must not only live consciously but also with Passion and Purpose." ~ Dr. Maxine McMullen – Internationally known educator and professor in pediatrics, Founder of the ICA’s Pediatric Diplomate program.
"The women leaders of Chiropractic stepped to the plate and hit a home run with Pearls of Wisdom, Pure & Powerful – their message is a must read by not only Chiropractors, but anyone seeking wisdom about the game of life." ~ Kenneth C. Thomas BS, MS, DC, CCSP – International Speaker, Vice President of Academics Parker College of Chiropractic.
“These inspirational stories are brilliant, like diamonds! What an honour to read the words of these astounding Chiropractors.” ~ Dr. Tracy Kennedy-Shanks