Cut Throat Mafia. Derrick Johnson

Cut Throat Mafia - Derrick Johnson

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      Cut Throat Mafia


      Derrick Johnson

      Copyright 2011 Derrick Johnson,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by Street Life Publishers

      Converted by

      ISBN-13: 978-0-9834-4095-6

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      THE DATE WAS August 17th 2006 and the time was 11:45 pm. The night had a little chill to it because we were posted up in front of the lake. Me and my boy Splif were sitting back waiting for the right time to do what we needed to do. We were sitting in my brand new 2006 Lexus IS 250 with ground effects. I had a brand new MTX audio thunder super amp, 6000 watt max put into this baby. A nigga could hear me coming from three city blocks away. Believe that! I had plenty of whips, but this was my new pride and joy and I loved it. I had it sitting on some 22 inch Havoc XL D’Vince rims lipped up with some Pirellis. I stayed fly on the pavement because I was a fly trap star nigga straight from the projects. That’s how me and my nigga’s from the bricks got down.

      The car had that soft leather to complement the smell of brand new car shit. Me and Splif sat back listening to that “Blood Money” shit by Mobb Depp sipping on some Pyrat Cask Rum. The shit cost two-fifty a bottle and was worth every penny of it. Splif passed the bottle to me and said, “Stomach Pain, what the fuck you want to do with this nigga?

      “Oh! I told you about all the good shit on this car, but there is one thing wrong with it. I got a fucken body in the trunk.” I got a nigga with half his head gone just lying up in my shit.

      “We going to wait till these honkies leave off this pier and we going to toss this nigga. He shouldn’t have played his hand fucked up.”

      Splif said, “Yo, kid you don’t have to explain shit to me because I’m with you no matter what. We might have some problems if someone finds out we did this nigga, Mongo.”

      Yeah, he was right and all, but the damage was done and it was time to clean up. It took about another 45 minutes for the pier to clear out, the time was now 12:30 am and we needed to hurry up and do this. I jumped out of the car and Splif got out after me. We both looked around to make sure no one was lurking in the cut. I popped the trunk and this nigga was all bent up in my shit from the rigor mortis setting in. The nigga looked like he was in some type of break dancing pose. Word!

      We placed a plastic bag over his head so he wouldn’t be leaving blood in my trunk because I watched CSI just like everyone else did. I grabbed the nigga by his feet and Splif grabbed him by the other end. We rushed over to the railing and tossed the nigga straight in the lake. We didn’t care if Mongo sunk or floated, we just wanted the nigga gone. And I wanted to get it over with before someone saw something they weren’t supposed to see.

      I jumped back in the car and started it waiting for Splif “Nigga, let’s go.” He jumped in the car and I took off hitting the quickest exit from the pier.

      Jamel Watkins was born and raised in the hardcore projects of Cleveland, Ohio. He was being raised by his mother who played mother and father to him and his siblings. His old man played in the streets heavy and the same streets he played in took his life. His, father was into that take shit and ask questions later life-style. One night his mother heard a knock on the door and when she opened the door, she saw her man lying in the hallway with his brains blew out all over the steps. Since that night his mother had been taking care of all three of them.

      Jamel had two siblings that stayed behind him all the time and it gave him the ability to be the new man in the house. He had a sister who was three years younger than him and her name was Precious. She was light skin like his mother with brown eyes and copper colored hair. His brother was much younger and was born with a condition that came from his mother’s drug use. He was a king of problem children who learned slower than the other kids. Jamel didn’t care because he was still his baby brother.

      The projects were like a fucken world of its own. You had your do's and don’ts and if you didn’t follow, then the whole family paid for it. The bricks were like a big ass house with a big ass family with a lot of big ass rooms to go with it. Everyone knew each other and tried to look out for each other when possible, because it was hard for everyone who lived behind the red bricks.

      Jamel always remembered when he and his friends were playing in front of the apartment and they saw this butt naked man running down the parking lot. Not only did he and his friends see it but everyone in eyesight watched all the shit unfold in broad daylight. Right after the man ran past, came this naked woman running right behind him like they were in some type of track meet. Then came this other lady fully clothed chasing the two with a big ass gun in her hand. She fired one shot in the air and everyone who was running came to a dead stop. She walked over to the lady and the man with no emotions in her eyes at all. Everyone in the projects just watched for the next move as if they were all watching a television show. “Bitch what did I tell you about being with my husband? I told you that I was going to fuck you up.” The naked man and woman were standing there scared to death both trying to hide their secrets.

      The naked man stepped in and said, “Baby, let’s talk about this at home not in front of all these people.”

      She looked at her man with nothing but hatred and hurt in her eyes and lifted the gun in his direction. He threw his hands up and turned his head as if that would stop the hot slug with his name on it from penetrating his skull. The lady with the gun and attitude said, “Fuck you, nigga. I’m tired of your shit and today this shit will come to an end.”

      She swung around and pointed the gun at the naked girl, who turned away not wanting the muzzle flash to be the last thing she saw on earth. But out of nowhere the lady with the heavy pistol spun on the man and pulled the trigger. BOOM! One shot to the head dropped the naked man right where he stood. Blood shot all over the pavement with chunks of meat and pieces of his Afro. The naked woman screamed and tried to run, but she caught not one, but two shots in the back. The force of the bullets drove her straight into a tree, which she bounced off before landing on the soft earth.

      She cried and tried to crawl away from the pain she was feeling but the angry woman walked up to her and pulled the trigger one more time. BOOM! The bullet hit the already wounded woman in the head, killing all body functions in her tiny frame. She was lying on her stomach looking in the direction of the crowd when all life escaped her body. You could hear the police sirens in the background getting louder with every second that passed.

      The lady with the heavy pistol looked around at everyone while crying and stuck the gun in her mouth, pulling the trigger. A big red cloud appeared behind her head causing her to drop to the ground knees first, blowing her freshly done hairdo back.

      Growing up in the “jects” you had to learn to survive and that’s exactly what Jamel did. I mean, you had some people who worked hard for a living, but you also had those who were broke as fuck and had to hustle out in the streets to make ends meet. His family was fucked up and he used to wonder, if there was a God, then why was his family suffering the way they were. I mean, they were crazy broke and it seemed like bad luck was a close family member of theirs. There were plenty of times they sat in the house with no lights for a couple of weeks just waiting for the daylight to show its pretty little head through the dirty windows.

      He had been through all of that type of shit and he remembered one winter they had no electricity and the food in the refrigerator was going to spoil. So, his mother made them carry the food outside to stash the shit out in the snow. Yeah! That shit came to an end real quick, because the food started coming up short and sometimes even gone. His mother tried to take care of them the best she could but shit was hard and the company she

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