365 Daily Affirmations. Aleksandra Zaric
365 Daily Affirmations
Energy Intelligence:
Personal Power Through Spiritual Awareness
Daily Messages on Manifestation:
An Understanding of the Principles on Manifestation and Being Your Higher Self
365 Daily Affirmations
A Collection of Inspiring and Guiding Messages
Aleksandra Zaric
365 Daily Affirmations, A Collection of Inspiring and Guiding Messages
Published in 2011 in eBook format by Mermaids Publishing
Converted by http://www.eBookIt.com
Copyright 2011 Aleksandra Zaric
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.
This publication does not give any professional advice and accepts no responsibility for any action taken by any person relating to any information/material provided within this book. It is in no means designed to replace any conventional medical treatment and advice provided by a doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist or any other professional body. The author and publisher disclaims any liabilities or responsibilities whatsoever for any damages, libel or liabilities arising directly or indirectly from the contents of this publication.
ISBN: 978-0-9808256-3-3
Author: Aleksandra Zaric www.aleksandrazaric.com
Cover Design: Daniella Spinetti
Internal Layout: Sam Curcio
This book is dedicated to all the people in the world who require positive guidance on a daily basis.
365 Daily Affirmations: A Collection of Inspiring and Guiding Messages, is a beautiful compilation of simple daily affirmations that sets a motivating attitude for the day by slowly absorbing the positive message into the consciousness. Through this volume of inspiring phrases, each powerful sentence of the day offers an affirmative message that can be recited out aloud or internalised either in the order as they appear within the book or by opening any page at random to provide greater personal power for every day of the year.
Day 1
My belief system is not preventing me from manifesting what I want and need in my life.
Day 2
I am now removing false beliefs and limiting beliefs on a daily basis.
Day 3
My life is controlled by me as I create my own reality.
Day 4
I have the power in producing the outcome I desire.
Day 5
As my awareness and consciousness is increasing, the more power I have in producing the outcome I desire.
Day 6
When I am conscious, I am able to make decisions that steer me towards my goals.
Day 7
Anything I choose to think about has a flow-on-effect to everything else in my life.
Day 8
The universe responds to my thoughts and sends images back to me which I perceive as experiences.
Day 9
My subconscious mind acts in accordance with my beliefs.
Day 10
I draw circumstances to me that match my beliefs.
Day 11
I create my fate and I can change my fate when my thought patterns change.
Day 12
When my thoughts change, my belief system changes too.