How to Talk to Anyone In Any Situation: Unlock the Secrets of Effective Communication. Brenda Hill
© 2013 by Brenda Hill
ISBN 9781456617066
All rights reserved. The reproduction or utilization of this work in whole in part, in any form by any print, electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.
Chapter 1: What is Communication
Basic Requirements
Benefits of a Conversationalist
Chapter 2: Establishing Yourself
Basic Do’s and Don’ts
Confidence and Persuasion
Necessary Qualities
Topic Discussions
Making an Impression
Reading Others
The Quiet Ones
The Picky Ones
The Hesitant One
The Inferiority Complex One
The Intelligent People
The Strong-Willed People
Using the Right Words
Chapter 3: Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone
Approaching Strangers
Outside Situations
Speaking in Groups
Phone Conversations
Communication is the basis for any living being on this planet. You cannot go through life without having to communicate with anyone.
Both humans and animals communicate on a daily basis. The only difference is the fact that we have the ability to use words rather than simple gestures and noises.
The ability to communicate is acquired throughout the years as we mature. However, not everyone will communicate as well as another person.
Some people will be natural at it while others will die down and stay silent within the presence of another person.
The simple truth is that not everyone has the ability to communicate properly. In fact, in today’s society, proper communication is more of a skill rather than a natural born trait.
After all, if everyone were able to communicate their thoughts properly, the words “misunderstanding” and “miscommunication” wouldn’t exist.
So the fact that you’re about to continue on in this book is because you feel that you can improve your social skills with other people. You want to be able to communicate your words properly to your clients, your friends, family, etc.
By now, you’ve probably made it through about 1-3 books that relates to this topic. If this is your first time reading anything like this then great. By all means continue and learn.
If this really is your second or third time then try to continue on the best that you can. Most books tend to promise you a change in yourself by the end and, yet, that promise is rarely delivered. However, this book will promise you that nothing will change if you don’t take the action to change.
This book can tell you everything that you want to know and tell you the skills that you will need to succeed, but it will only work if you’re willing to apply it. So what will be promised to you before you fully start that other books will not promise?
This book will promise that if you apply what you’ve learned, then you will achieve results that you want. Remember, the main ingredient into changing your life is to first change yourself.
Once you’ve step your feet upon that change, everything else will follow you, including success.
Chapter 1: What is Communication
Before we can bring ourselves to the techniques and facts, we have to first learn what communication is. What is it? How does it work? Without being able to answer the basic questions of communication, you will not be able to successfully communicate.
It’s like trying to predict the future. How would you be able to predict what will happen if you don’t first look at the repetition of the past? Core knowledge is the stepping-stone of advance knowledge.
So, what is communication? Communication is the act of talking, or a conversation between two individuals or a group of people.
For ironically, despite the fact that communication is a natural ability that we were born with, it is also the hardest ability for us to improve on.
Some people, on the other hand, cannot communicate at all. These are the people that tend to stay within their closed shell and try their best to stay silent.
Then there are those that are unable to voice their thoughts properly. The point is, there is a wrong way to communicate and your goal is to communicate the right way.
If you’ve never thought about it until now, many conflicts - like war - often stem from the act of miscommunication.
Words are powerful and, if conveyed improperly, it can be viewed as offensive to the other party whether you mean it or not.
The number one reason why miscommunication tends to occur is because the speaker does not take the listener into considering. The speaker might say something that seems as a joke to him, but proven offensive to the listener.
The main reason why because the speaker may have disregarded the listener’s circumstances, past, state of mind, or even culture. Think about it. If you were a speaker and you made a light joke about someone’s race in an attempt to be funny, you will either receive a laugh in return or a slap to the face.
It’s good to add humor to the conversation sometimes, but be careful as to what joke you tell to the person that’s listening.
Also, with the raging technological advancements that are presented to us in the present day, personal communication has dimmed itself down thanks to the use of social networking and the Internet.
Before, almost all conversations were done face to face. Nowadays, almost all conversations are done throughout the Internet. Rather than sending mails with written letters, people are now emailing them all over.
Granted, it’s convenient, quick, and easy, but too much use of it will cause you to deny human interaction.
They say that every person has two faces, a personal face and a public face. When you communicate with someone face to face, you try to act your best.
However, when that same person interacts with other people online, would you believe that they are the same?
The reason why communication is so difficult in the present day is because many people do not bother to publicly interact with each other. The more technologically advance our society becomes, the more emotionally detached we are.
In addition, the quality of a conversation decreases over time. One-worded replies are too often used because the other party does not know what to say and the speaker does not know how to continue the conversation.
Even so, having the right people skill is one of the foremost requirements that are needed for you to survive and succeed in this world. You cannot get by without the help of the people around you.
Therefore, it’s about time you start to learn how you can properly communicate with them if you want