He's a Healing Jesus. Richard Roberts
He’s a Healing Jesus
Richard Roberts
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version® of the Bible. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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Copyright © 2010
Richard Roberts
Tulsa, OK
Published in eBook format by Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association
P.O. Box 2187
Tulsa, OK 74102
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
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ISBN-13: 978-0-9827-0183-6
Why I Wrote This Book
Picture yourself in a room, alone and feeling isolated. You’re sick in some way, whether it’s physically, emotionally, in your relationships, in your finances, or in some other area of your life. And perhaps you’ve been that way for quite awhile, like the woman in the Bible who had suffered from a hemorrhage for twelve years. She had spent all of her money on doctors and they’d done what they could do, but Luke 8:43 says that in spite of all that, she “could not be healed by any” of them.
Now…picture Jesus knocking on the door of the room you’re in and coming inside. He sees you. He knows all about your needs. And He calls your name as He stretches out His strong and loving arms toward you, putting His hand on Your shoulder as you look into His eyes of love and compassion.
As you imagine that scene with Jesus standing next to you, picture Him saying to you, as He said to many when He walked this earth, “What do you want Me to do for you?” With courage and faith in your heart, you answer Him, “Lord, I want to be healed.”
Now let me ask you a very important question: If the scene above actually happened to you as you’ve just pictured it in your imagination, is there any real question in your mind that Jesus would heal you?
If your answer to that question is, “No, Richard, there’s no doubt in my mind that Jesus would heal me if He were right here with me,” I want you to know that I’ve written this book for you…to show you how Jesus is right there with you, in the midst of what you’re going through, every step of the way.
And if the answer to that question is, “Richard, I don’t know if Jesus would heal me”…or maybe “Why would Jesus want to heal me?” then I’ve written this book especially for you. To paint a picture for you of the Jesus I know from His own revelation of Himself in the Holy Bible…the healing Jesus…the One who never turned anyone away who came to Him for healing…and who, you can be assured, will not turn you away either.
I’m excited to share with you in this book, perhaps more excited than I’ve been in a long time. Because I know that many people don’t know who the real Jesus is. Their understanding of Him may be based on what other people have incorrectly told them, on some fairy-tale-like image of Jesus that they may have seen portrayed in certain movies, or on the sometimes un-Christlike behavior of those who call themselves Jesus’ followers.
But I believe that once you read this book and begin to see for yourself what Jesus is really like—perhaps more clearly than you’ve ever seen before—you’ll fall in love with the real Jesus. You’ll know that Jesus truly is a healing Jesus…you’ll begin to see yourself in the light that He sees you…and you’ll understand that He wants you to be well in every area of your life.
Many times when a book is written, it is dedicated to someone in the author’s family or personal life…and I have done that in other books I have written. But this book is different. This book I dedicate to you, my friend, whom I already see in my spirit as being the way Jesus wants you to be, and the way I believe you can be…healed and whole.
Chapter 1: Who Is the Real Jesus?
We know from the stories recorded in the New Testament about Jesus’ life, when He walked this earth 2,000 years ago, that He was constantly healing people. That’s why I can say to you today: no matter what kind of problem you may be facing—whether it’s physical sickness, finances, trouble in your family, pain or confusion in your emotions, estrangement or separation in your relationship with God, or something in any other area of your life—Jesus wants you to be healed and whole. He was…is…and always will be a Healing Jesus!
If you’re sick in any way right now, know that you are not alone in your struggle. God is on your side. He has promised in His own Word—His revelation of Himself to us—that
•He will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5),
•He loves you with a love that will never end (Jeremiah 31:3), and
•Nothing in this world, or any other world, can ever separate you from His love (Romans 8:38).
In fact, God’s love for you is so great that He willingly gave His Son Jesus to die on the Cross so that you could come to know Him in a personal relationship right now while you’re living, then spend eternity with Him in heaven.
But what God wants for you doesn’t stop at salvation, as important and as wonderful as that is. Coming to know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior is really just the beginning point for what God wants for your life. While you’re living on this earth, God wants you to be healed and whole in every area of your life!
I can say that to you with absolute certainty. I know it’s true. How do I know it? Because God tells us that in His own words in the Bible…and He tells it to us over and over again.
In Exodus 15:26, God said, “I am the Lord who heals you.” Notice that God said, “I am the Lord who heals you.” He didn’t say, I am the Lord who used to heal you in the past, or I am the Lord who might heal you in the future. No. He specifically said of Himself, “I