How to Attract and Make Women Want You Now: Uncover the Secrets to Dating and Get Any Woman You Love. Keisha M. Michael

How to Attract and Make Women Want You Now: Uncover the Secrets to Dating and Get Any Woman You Love - Keisha M. Michael

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How to Attract and Make Women Want You Now:


      © 2013 by Keisha M. Michael

      ISBN 9781456620431

      All rights reserved. The reproduction or utilization of this work in whole in part, in any form by any print, electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

      All information provided is done so with every effort to represent the subject, but does not guarantee that your life will change. The author shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages that result from reading this book.



      Common Mistakes to Avoid

      Take Pride in How You Look

      No Room for Negativity

      Be Confident

      How to Be Charismatic

      Using Body Language to Your Advantage

      How to Speak to Women

      Starting Conversations

      Conversation Starters



      Being single is not always easy and dating can be stressful. If you are new to the dating game, trying to boost your luck with women, or just getting back into dating after being out of the game for several years, it can be daunting.

      Sometimes, no matter what you seem to say or do, it is the wrong thing.

      You go out, you look around and you see others who have no problem meeting women. In fact, women seem to flock to them while you are struggling to even get somebody to tell you their name.

      Usually, when you see that, you just chalk it up to animal magnetism and then you just feel envious because you cannot instantly attract people like that.

      However, you can. Animal magnetism is something that you can learn and you can begin to have success with dating.

      Take the anxiety out of dating and stop watching other men take home the women of their dreams while you are left out. Those days will be long gone for you thanks to this book.

      It is easy to attract women, and soon, you will be that guy who all the girls flock too. Be the envy of somebody else’s night for a change. Your luck is about to change for the better.

      Common Mistakes to Avoid

      Sometimes, the advice that we have been told our entire lives is the worst advice to follow. When it comes to dating, this is certainly true.

      Advice along the lines of “women only want jerks or bad boys” is not advice at all and it is misogynic and wrong. Bottom line, if you act like a jerk, you are treated like a jerk. The guys who think that they get women by acting like a jerk might be the ones getting women initially, but they will not be keeping them.

      So, if you want nothing more than a string of one-night stands, then go ahead and take that piece of advice and good luck with that.

      When dating, there are other common mistakes that you are making, usually without realizing that these simple mistakes could be the reason why you are not having as much success as you could be having.

      Knowing what not to do is as useful as knowing what to do so the first chapter includes some common mistakes that men make when trying to attract women.

      #1 – You cannot buy affection

      A lot of dating advice says that you should shower them with gifts. Wrong. You cannot buy a date, and you should not have to buy your way into getting another date from her. Is it a nice gesture to get them a gift every now and then?

      Yes if the two of you have been seeing each other for a while, it is certainly a good idea because it shows you care but you do not have to do it every time, nor even that often and a dinner at a casual restaurant is just as good as a dinner at a fancy restaurant.

      Save the high dollar meals for special occasions, once you are already dating them. If you have just met, do not feel like you have to buy them anything!

      #2 – Thinking that you are just unlucky

      You are not just unlucky, you are just not doing the right things but you can learn to change to get more women. As long as you are open to the idea that you can be just as lucky as the other men are, then your luck can and will change. Attracting women is a skill, and one that you can learn.

      #3 – Placing them on a pedestal

      When you compliment somebody, make sure it is sincere. No matter how pretty you think she is, if all you do is compliment her and put her on a pedestal, she will probably find somebody else. There is a big difference between being attracted and gushing over them so much that they get uncomfortable.

      #4 – Women love guys who are jerks

      Wrong, women love guys who are confident. Women do not like jerks and this is a huge mistake. Trying to turn yourself into a bad boy type to attract women is simply ridiculous and this piece of dating advice has continued to endure largely thanks to Hollywood. Here is a hint guys, movies lie. The bad boy might get the girl in the movies, but not in real life.

      #5 – Being too nice

      Just as you should not be a jerk, you should not trip over yourself to be so nice that you appear to be going for a gold medal. Be nice because you are a nice person, not because you want her to think you are nice just to attract her. Being too nice translates as being too needy.

      #6 – Being too needy

      If you are being too needy, it comes off as desperation and that is a huge turn off. You may not realize that you are being needy, but when you are constantly being needy, it is a turn off. You do not need to text or call them every few minutes and getting angry when they do not respond right away will be a quick way to get them to walk away.

      #7 – Rapid-fire questions

      Getting to know somebody should not feel like a line of police questioning. When you do nothing but bark questions at her like a cop questioning a subject, which is not getting to know her, that is called grilling her. If you want to get to know her, ask a question, let her answer and then turn it into a discussion, you do not have to learn everything about her in one night.

      #8 – Telling her what a nice guy you are

      Rule of thumb, if somebody tries too hard to convince somebody that they are a good person, they generally are not. So, stop telling women what a nice guy you are and let them discover it for themselves.

      Take Pride in How You Look

      You do not have to live at the gym for hours daily in order for a woman to like you. Does being fit help, certainly but it is not a make it or break it issue when it comes to dating.

      As long as you take pride in your appearance, your overall body size does not matter as much. If you are overweight, it will hinder your chances slightly, but a great personality and a nice exterior can and will make up for that.

      If you do not take pride in how you look, then no woman will want to be around you. They cannot be proud to be seen with somebody who does not have any pride in their wellbeing or appearance.

      If you do not care about your health, you cannot expect anybody else to either. If you look nice when you go out, but your house and car looks like a disaster zone, it will quickly become apparent that you typically do not care how you look and that is a huge turn off.

      You do not have to have expensive clothing and accessories to get a woman; you just have to have clothing and accessories that are nice, clean, and taken

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