The Giant Oak Speaks Wisdom: Listen With Your Ears and Heart. Marti Eicholz

The Giant Oak Speaks Wisdom: Listen With Your Ears and Heart - Marti Eicholz

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      Listen with your ears and heart


      Marti Eicholz

      Copyright 2016 Marti Eicholz,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2740-9

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

      Are you frustrated with the pace at which you live and despite the rapid pace, you don’t seem to be getting any closer to your dreams?

      Do you exhibit any of these indicate classic symptoms that indicate a life out of balance: anxiety, depression, irritability, insomnia, hopelessness, and even chronic physical ailments.

      Are you wishing to establish a healthy lifestyle that will last a lifetime?

      Then you are ready to hear the messages of the giant oak tree.

      The giant oak has witnessed great strength, limitations, fears, courageous moments, love, hate, and disappointments.

      The giant oak offers wisdom and solace. It buffers and shades from the storms of life. It has experienced the beginning phases of life and has endured, has flourished, and has triumphed over adversity.

      This healthy oak tree is a loving presence that will lead you on an adventure, tapping the rich realms of your heart, mind, body and soul and guiding you toward balance, health, harmony, and love into your life.

      Bring with you, nothing more than a pair of ears for listening, a mind willing to learn and an open heart. You will be given ongoing inspiration and the practical tools you need for the adventure.

      Be prepared for stunning surprises and wondrous awakenings.

      Within these pages, Marti Eicholz offers the reader the benefit of extensive research coupled with her own life experiences on her physical and spiritual journey. This is a comprehensive work that addresses many of the issues that must be overcome in order to become the best version of one self.

      Anyone that reads this work will find a description of him or herself within these pages. Eicholz provides accurate depictions of the spectrum of personalities, behaviors, emotions and reactions. Through the wisdom of the giant oak she allows the reader to discover their hidden greatness within and the specific steps to let that greatness shine.

      The format is easy to follow and encourages the reader to be an active participant by using a journal to record answers to the many questions that are posed. This facilitates the readers’ progress on their spiritual journey.

      I highly recommend this work for anyone seeking to improve their quality of life and deepen their spiritual awareness.

      Jane Andrew, Retired CEO

      In Gratitude

      This work is the result of a lifetime of research, study, personal experiences, observing and listening to all those who crossed my path. It reveals successes, failures, and the witnessing of incredible learning events and situations. You may discover yourself in these pages. I am truly grateful for every moment.


      This is a book of exhilarating discovery, where you can consider the pathways of your heart, mind, body, and soul. Explore a new dimension of yourself, and see what unexpected treasures you might find. Are you prepared for a route of rich surprises and wondrous awakenings? Enter the following pages, bringing with you nothing more than a commitment to courage, self-honesty and a spirit of serendipity. You are about to embark on a great adventure with the giant oak.

      Let the child within you play with the ideas you will find here. Free your imagination, and let it dance like a breeze. Read slowly and thoughtfully, asking for a “quickening” as you transcend words and journey into deeper meaning. Your wise inner voice may respond and speak to you, helping you to know instinctively which path to follow next to offer you true joy and well-being.

      This book is designed to be both inspirational and pragmatic. The giant oak will lead you down roads, trails and paths to experience all of the dimensions of you: Your physical self, emotional self, mental self and spiritual self. You will also notice sections entitled, ”Stepping Up.” The giant oak is providing suggested action items, which you can use to put new concepts into practice.

      This adventure with the giant oak will lead you on a multitude of paths, beckoning you to pause, take your time, don’t rush, savor and look inwards. At other times the adventure will urge you onwards, inviting you to discover new treasures. There are many mysteries on this adventure.

      You may want to begin a journal as you embark on your adventure. Make your journal a place of quiet beauty where you can record your most intimate thoughts and insights both from yourself and to yourself.


      Are you thinking about ways that will make your life better?

      Are you wishing for a fresh start?

      Are you wishing to establish a healthy living lifestyle that will last a lifetime?

      First, you need to have a firm foundation. Why? Imagine a rocket getting ready to blast off into outer space. Think of the thrust of energy that’s involved in getting the rocket launched. Now consider just how strong the launch pad must be beneath it. Obviously, you wouldn’t situate your rocket on sand, or on shaky fill. Instead, you’d want it on a rock solid structure, so you’d get the best possible lift-off for your flight.

      The same is true with your quest for a healthy living lifestyle for a lifetime. You are never going to get anywhere if you are starting from a place of self-doubt and worry. If you are a stranger to the person you currently are today, then there’s no hope of advancing any further on the path of discovering a healthy living lifestyle. You are trying to blast off from quicksand! You are trying to steer a clear course in a dense fog!

      Getting to know you – then believing in yourself – is what will foster permanent and positive growth toward happy, balanced, harmonious living.

      You will need to think, listen, look and keep an open mind to the choices in life. You do have choices. You are not fenced in by your responsibilities or by your past choices. You are not stuck, hopelessly so, in circumstances that are beyond your power to change. You do not have to believe that the only avenue open to you is a blind acceptance of what fate has handed you, giving you a feeling of resignation, bitterness and despair.

      I challenge you to change the course of your entire life. Be willing to give up your despair and hopelessness, and open your mind to a new set of ideas.

      This is not an idle commitment. It is a willingness to change the most fundamental aspects of your being, and opening up to an area of the Great Unknown within you. I am asking you to commit to something that is not at all guaranteed, and certainly not fully explored. It is more like asking if you are willing to explore in uncharted waters, to what treasures might be buried deep beneath the surface there.

      Are you up for it?

      If so, perk up your ears and open your heart.

      Invest an hour or more every week, and diligently explore the many aspects of you to create a balanced, creative, healthy, harmonious life filled with love.

      You will be exploring and practicing some extremely important concepts.

      Your guide is a mature healthy oak tree.

      Take it on faith that this mature healthy oak tree is a loving

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