The Quit Smoking Guidebook. Mr Kevin Robert Baker
The Quit Smoking Guidebook
Author: Kevin Baker
Editing: Jayne Baker
Copyright 2016 Kevin Baker
All rights reserved.
Published in eBook format by
ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2741-6
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
It took me seven attempts to stop smoking and was undoubtedly the hardest thing I have ever done in my lifetime. My last cigarette was smoked four years ago and the benefits to my health and wallet have been enormous.
I never did buy into the “It's easy, just use willpower” general mindset and still think that this is generally just BS, apart from a few lucky individuals who do in fact find it easy. The obvious truth still remains for most people that stopping smoking is hard, extremely hard, but it is also doable . . . it is possible; although it will take more than just the vague term “willpower” to go up against nicotine. It will take an overhauled mindset, as well as thinking outside of the box and pop culture's hackneyed viewpoints about smoking.
In this book I want to present concise tips and methods to help you stop smoking for good. This book will present you with many new viewpoints and ways to help you stop. Some methods you will have heard about already, but there will be many tips that will be new to you. Everyone is different and people stop smoking every day in various ways, so I hope that you will find many helpful tips in this book to go to war against your addiction to nicotine and dominate this cruel oppressor.
My hat goes off to you as you are taking the first step toward eradicating nicotine dependency from your life to gain freedom. I wish you all the success in the world in eliminating nicotine from your life and really hope that these tips will help you, as well as being a valuable weapon in fighting off addiction.
Never Give Up Trying to Give Up
Make a promise to yourself and your loved ones right now to never give up trying to give up. It may take you 3 attempts, 7 attempts as it took for me or even 20 attempts, but please do not stop trying to stop. You will find your way, you just have to be tenacious, like a dog which will not let go of a bone no matter how many times the bone is pulled away from it. As long as you are fighting against nicotine, it does not own you. It is only when nicotine has destroyed your will to fight back by trying to stop that it owns you. Never bow down to nicotine and become its slave, its gimp, and eventually its victim. Put in the hard work needed in fighting against nicotine and you will dominate and overcome smoking for life.
Nicotine is the Most Dangerous Drug in the World
Wait a minute, you might think, nicotine cannot be the most dangerous drug in the world? There are other drugs that are far more potent, surely . . .
Well, statistics wise, smoking kills more people per year around the globe than all illegal drugs put together, plus alcohol related deaths, plus road deaths and HIV deaths. So if you added all the above types of death together, it still would not even begin to catch up with the staggering 6 million deaths worldwide, caused by smoking and second-hand smoke inhalation.
Needless to say, because it is legal in most countries, we tend to downplay this drug and call it a habit instead of an addiction. Realizing that nicotine is an actual drug, even if media and friends label it as just a habit, can help to fuel the desire to be rid of nicotine's clutches.
Caffeine is Not Your Friend
Some things will help you along the way and some things will hinder your progress and chances of success. Caffeine is not your friend when it comes to stopping smoking and here's why:
Nicotine for some reason doubles the rate at which the liver is able to deplete caffeine from your system, which is the reason why most people who smoke are able to knock back quite a few coffees. Not every person who smokes drinks coffee of course, but if you do you will want to cut down on coffee consumption by 50% or switch to decaffeinated coffee instead. So what happens if you don't cut down on coffee? Well, the jitters you may experience, as in feeling anxious or having trouble sleeping whilst quitting will haunt you double-fold and make the job twice as difficult.
I personally found it better to cut out coffee altogether for the first month that I quit smoking, as my mind associated having a cigarette with a coffee, especially in the mornings. I am being up front and honest here . . . I still sometimes miss that cigarette with a coffee first thing in the morning, but the benefits of not smoking far, far outweigh that little comfy morning routine.
Fruit Juice is Your Friend
The first three days are the hardest when quitting smoking, so you will need all the allies and tricks you can muster to get through this infamous period. One of these allies is acidic fruit juice, with cranberry juice being highly recommended, although any acidic fruit juice that is your personal favorite will suffice.
So how does acidic fruit juice help someone through early withdrawal symptoms from nicotine? Well, acidic fruit juice will accelerate the removal of alkaloid nicotine from your bloodstream, as well as helping to stabilize blood sugars. During the first 72 hours of quitting smoking anything that can cut that intense period of craving down will be welcome, trust me. If you have tried quitting smoking before you will know exactly what I am talking about here.
Yes, fruit juice is fattening, so downing generous amounts of fruit juice beyond the 72 hour initial quitting period will not be the best idea. You may gain half a pound in weight, although I personally think that if it saves your life, what the heck; you can always burn the caloric equivalent off with exercise after you stop smoking anyhow within a week.
Be Wary of Time Distortion
When you are quitting smoking you will have to weather through times when you have strong cravings. The good news however is that your subconscious can only keep prodding you with a craving for no longer than three minutes. Therefore, cravings become a kind of war of attrition, with nicotine trying desperately to hang on with the aim of reducing your willpower to zero. The craving for nicotine is destined to be overpowered however if you can hang in there for up to three minutes at a time and ride it out.
Nicotine addiction has an ace up its sleeve which you should be aware of, and that is time distortion. Three minutes can feel like ten minutes as time seems to slow down. So one tip is to keep an eye on your watch or use an app on your smartphone to time the three minutes out. Keep in mind that for every craving that you ride out it is a battle won, and if you win enough battles the cravings will weaken further and further, with you winning the campaign in the end. Yes, it is a war, and yes, you are fighting for your life, literally, as you would do in an actual war. If this seems over-the-top, bear in mind that around 6 million people die every year