Many Infallible Proofs. Dr. Henry M. Morris

Many Infallible Proofs - Dr. Henry M. Morris

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       Many Infallible Proofs

       Evidences for the Christian Faith

      Copyright Information

      Henry M. Morris with Henry M. Morris III

      First printing: August 1974

      Fourteenth printing, revised and expanded: August 1996

      Seventeenth printing: August 2002

      Copyright © 1974, 1996 by Henry M. Morris. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in articles and reviews. For information write: Master Books, Inc., P.O. Box 726, Green Forest, AR 72638.

      Library of Congress Catalog Number: 74-81484

      ISBN: 0-89051-005-9

      Cataloging in Publication Data

      Morris, Henry Madison, 1918 –

      Many infallible proofs: practical and useful evidences of Christianity

      1. Apologetics 2. Bible—Evidences, authority, etc. I. Title

       Printed in the United States of America.

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      For information regarding author interviews, please contact the publicity department at (870) 438-5288.

       Table of Contents


      I. Why Study Christian Evidences?

      II. The Uniqueness of Christianity

      III. The Authenticity of the New Testament

      IV. The Authenticity of the Old Testament

      V. The Unique Birth of Christ

      VI. The Miraculous Life of Christ

      VII. The Death of Christ

      VIII. The Resurrection of Christ

      IX. The Fact of God

      X. The Character of God

      XI. The Plan of God

      XII. The Inspiration of the Bible

      XIII. Problems in Verbal Inspiration

      XIV. Fulfillment of Prophecy

      XV. The Structure of Scripture

      XVI. Alleged Bible Contradictions

      XVII. The Bible and Science

      XVIII. Scientific Fallacies of Evolution

      XIX. Creation and the Flood

      XX. The Bible and Ancient History

      XXI. Pseudo-Christian Cults

      XXII. The Old "New Age" Movement

      Appendix A: Numerical Designs in the Bible

      Appendix B: The Book of God in the Heavens

      Index of Authors

      Scripture Index


      The first edition of Many Infallible Proofs was published in 1974, and has been widely used as both a textbook and reference book, and also for general devotional study. Since the book still seems to be in much demand, I finally decided it should be updated and then augmented with short chapters on the cults and the so-called New Age movement, both of which have greatly expanded their influence in the past two decades or more.

      Most of the great evidences of the truth of Christianity are timeless. Such topics as the evidence for inspiration of the Bible, the evidence for the deity of Christ, the testimony of fulfilled prophecy, the argument for the existence of the God of the Bible, and other such evidences are much the same as always, so chapters in the book on topics such as these have required little change.

      However, since "science" is very ephemeral in its arguments and pronouncements, those chapters dealing with creation and earth history did need updating. Actually, the evidence for special creation and the worldwide flood seems to become stronger every year, with each new scientific discovery. The same is true with the latter-day prophecies of the Bible. Changes in this second edition, therefore, apply primarily to those chapters dealing with these great themes. In addition, as noted above, two new chapters have been added.

      The manuscript for the first edition had been reviewed and improved by two long-time friends and distinguished theologians, Dr. John Whitcomb and Dr. Charles Ryrie. This new edition has been reviewed with all its changes by my son and co-author, Dr. Henry Morris III, who has both the D.Min. degree and an MBA, as well as much experience in the pastorate and college teaching, and also in the business world. In addition, he has been the primary author of the two new chapters on the pseudo-Christian and New Age cults. He also has taught a number of courses on Christian evidences and has authored two Bible study books of his own.

      It is our prayer that the Lord will use this new edition of Many Infallible Proofs not only to strengthen the faith and testimony of Christians, but also to help many sincere searchers to come to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Christian faith is under tremendous attack in these latter days, and people need the Lord more urgently than ever before. We trust that God will use this book to answer their questions and bring solid Christian love and stability to their lives.

      I wish also to thank my daughter, Mrs. Mary Ruth Smith, B.S., for her very efficient work in typing and editing the entire revised manuscript.

      Henry M. Morris

      Institute for Creation Research

       Chapter I

       Why Study Christian Evidences?


      The purpose of this book is to survey in systematic and comprehensive fashion the "many infallible proofs" of the unique truth and authority of biblical Christianity, together with a refutation of its alleged fallacies and a reconciliation of its alleged discrepancies. It will be seen that, not only is there no mistake or contradiction in the Bible, but also there are innumerable evidences of its divine inspiration and authority. Not only are there no legitimate objections to a true Christian theology, but rather there are overwhelming evidences that Christianity is uniquely and completely true.

      As a matter of fact, the entire subject of evidences is almost exclusively the domain of Christian evidences. Other religions depend on subjective experience and blind faith, tradition and opinion. Christianity stands or falls upon the objective reality of gigantic supernatural events in history and the evidences that they really happened. This fact in itself is an evidence of its truth.


      The terms "apologetics" and "evidences," as they relate to the Christian faith, are often used more or less interchangeably. In the formal sense, however, the first is the broader of the two terms as understood by theologians. Apologetics involves the systematic scientific defense of the Christian faith in all its aspects against the intellectual attacks of its adversaries. There are various philosophical systems of apologetics, each attempting to build a logical defense of Christianity upon its own specific or implied presuppositions.

      That aspect of apologetics which is more positive and objective, setting forth concrete reasons for accepting the Bible as God's word and Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, is what is commonly understood as the field of Christian evidences.

      This book does not deal with the various systems of philosophical apologetics. These are important in theological studies, especially at the seminary level, but our concern here is with practical and factual evidences supporting the Bible and the

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