The Plan BE Journal. Teresa Lindsay
Certain liberties were taken transcribing the original video content for comprehensive purposes.
If you are reading this as a digital-book, each Chapter corresponds with the YouTube video in the series.
New Additions to The Plan BE Journal Series
(YouTube) go live each week.
If you have an early copy of the journal, you are ahead of the game! Thank you so much for ordering your journal.
I wish you much success, health, and love in life.
~ xoxo Teresa
Dedicated to my parents Peter and Joy who without fail showed all people, respect, appreciation and kindness no matter their place in life, their background, ethnicity, or religion. And thank you for demonstrating to me the value of paying it forward.
I’m Teresa Lindsay and I hope you are going to enjoy everything I am about to share with you. It all comes from personal experience, but in that I am going to give you the tips and tools for you to create it for yourself. It is one thing for people to sit and talk and have a wonderful conversation, or give a video and just point out all the things they did.
But how do you do it for yourself?
So, in the first initial videos on my YouTube channel I give away 30 days of information you are going to take and do and behave on your own, in your own schedule, in your own way, in your own life, to help re-shape and re-form what’s in your mind. (Part I & Part II in The Journal.)
Our minds control a lot of our thoughts and our patterns. Where you got to today only occurred because of a series of events and as well as a series of thoughts.
What you feed your mind is going to feed your future.
You didn’t expect those events did you?
Not everything was completely planned out so…
We are going to go to Plan BE.
Even if you have goals, goal posts move - we know this. So, this is an opportunity for you to take on exactly what you want in your life by focussing on all those things (that) matter; we are going to talk about the environment you are in, what you are listening to (so the auditory part), what you are talking about with friends, and the visual input (the things you are actually watching on a day to day basis). Do they contain drama? I don’t know. You are going to have to determine that by watching the first series of videos; Morning Routine and Daily Influences and Actions.
Once you have completed those (and done the practice of Part I & PartII over 30 days) we are going to hit the TWELVE. Twelve chapters on being very aware of the things in your environment and how you’re responding to those.
I know for a fact (how these 30 days work), I have taken myself from being a single mom with zero in the bank account to earning six figures in a matter of six months. And didn’t do it by using the internet. I wanted to really envision; who I wanted to meet in my life, I needed to make a change from the pattern of people who were coming into my world and I really wanted to create a vision and a future of what I looked like in front of the opportune job or career.
(I came to understand) there are opportunities for me to re-program what I have been saying to myself. This is the same thing you can do.
So in these chapters we are going to get really, mindful, we are going to get “intended” to do something really important, we are going to be very creative about it, we are going to do it with love.
It is one thing that a lot of people struggle with is that Love shouldn’t matter in business, and it shouldn’t matter in the rest of your life. It should just be there and I have got enough of it. What you need to do is take time to find it. And we are going to do exactly that!
This is PLAN BE. And in it, you will find in my video series on YouTube I will be wearing one of my own fashion pieces. And you will get to hear how I went from zero to six figures.
Daily Influences and Actions
This is your life.
No-one else around you needs to be an influence, or have to partake and say in anything you want to accomplish.
What you believe, what you tell yourself, all of that is coming from what you are saying and what you are feeding your brain.
(In addition,) everyone in your life is impacting you.
Here are the influences that are likely going to be taking up the majority of your brain power, time and the way you process thought:
1 The people (who you give your time to)
2 The environment (what you listen to and see)
3 Your time spent commuting (where you are going and the people while you are there; conversations)
As we go through each area of these aspects that are influencing you, you can start to take some notes and determine if these are positive or negative in your life. And for 30 days you are going to start these simple tools
The first thing you are going to change is when you are driving to and from work, or you are walking, or you are in transition to somewhere else you are going to use your ITouch, your IPhone, or even your mind and memory on positive things as you are walking, as you are driving, stay focused but make sure everything you are listening to (what radio station or a playlist) has the positive music. (Make sure) it’s not talking about what happened in a past relationship, or how things aren’t going work out.
You are going to listen to a playlist (you create) that is positively influencing you on an auditory level. #auditorylevel #planbe
As you are going throughout your day you can even put it down on your counter while you are getting ready or you are in the shower. Find time in your day when you are doing something where you can naturally just listen.
Put anything on Youtube while you are cooking dinner that is a motivational video that makes you feel good. As you are deciding what it is you want to listen to look for more and do some research. Spend some time in the evening.
Even get in front of someone you believe is doing what you love. And ask them to speak with you. Start the conversation with the right people. The influence you have in your life are very important.
So now you are going to start:
Positive talk through conversations with other people
#positivetalk #planbe
The conversations (you want) are going to come from positive people in your life. If the person (you are concerned is a bad influence) in your life is telling you that you shouldn’t listen to your family and no-one is going to believe what you are doing, that person is toxic and they are not going where you are going. And you don’t have to worry about what their thoughts or opinions are.
Use your own mind as a filter. #mindfilter #planbe
And translate what they are telling you.
If they are warning you of something, go investigate. If you are not feeling comfortable, trust your gut.
(In addition,) your heart was created was before your mind. Just after you are conceived. You heart is then what builds your brain. The heart is built first. It knows the best things for you.
How do you know what is right from wrong?