Contiguity. Valery Konstantinovich Bulygin

Contiguity - Valery Konstantinovich Bulygin

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      Valery Konstantinovich Bulygin

      © Valery Konstantinovich Bulygin, 2020

      ISBN 978-5-0051-3204-8

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Ball lightning

      You always want to spend your vacation well. You do not have to go to distant lands, abroad, to warm islands. I want to communicate with nature, feel the silence of the forest wilderness or wander among the mountains. I just want to distract from the bustle of the city, stop answering endless phone calls.

      Fedor picked up his phone and thought about it. You can certainly go somewhere alone, but it would be quite boring. Flipping through the list of phone contacts, he stopped at Martha’s number. Maybe she will keep me company. Martha worked with him in the experimental physics department. He liked it for a long time, but natural shyness always prevented him from communicating.

      Decided. I will call her and just like that, by the way, I will invite her to come with me. If he refuses, I will turn it all in jest, as if it is just such plans. Maybe I will get a ticket or something. It is hard to compose. We have to start somewhere. There is such a reason.

      – Why did you decide to take a vacation now, the project is not finished yet? – Martha asked. I am not going to get a vacation anytime soon.

      – Well, take time off; we will go for a week, no more.

      – I will think about it if I call you back.

      Two hours later, the bell rang.

      – Fedor, have you changed your mind about going yet? I might have a little rest, especially the time before the project is still there.

      Fedor was even confused at the first moment. He did not think Martha would accept his offer.

      – No, of course – he blurted out. There is an offer to go to the cedar forest. It is beautiful nature and I have got everything ready.

      The next day the car was already racing on the highway. It was not that long to go, two hours. The weather was perfect. The beginning of June is not so hot and the most important mood of Fedor was as good as it could be. He goes to rest and most importantly, with a girl who he really likes.

      After a while, the car swerved into the woods. Fedor knew these places well. Even as a student, he and the boys often came here. Forest road and they went to a large clearing, which was encircled by a small river.

      – Well, here we are, – Fedor said. I am going to put up a tent and have lunch.

      – I will take lunch, – Martha said with a chuckle. She saw how Fyodor tries to please her and do something nice. Working in the department, she long ago drew attention to Fedor. I could not just walk up to him and propose to meet him. Then he offered her a trip. Martha could have agreed to it at once, but something told her to wait a while.

      Dry branches caught fire very quickly. The mood was good. Martha was fussing about the fire, but Fedor had only to keep the fire. Food in nature is not your restaurant. It is its unforgettable charm.

      – Shall we go to the river? – Fedor suggested. There is a hunter’s house nearby. There used to be a boat. It could be a ride.

      The weather began to deteriorate. Dark clouds ran and already began to scrawl rain.

      – Let us go to the house, wait for the rain. Judging by the clouds, it will not last long. They managed only to run to a small hut, as there was a heavy downpour, and a decent thunderstorm broke out.

      – Look how raging it is. It was a different forecast, – Fedor said. It is nothing; I do not think it is going to last long.

      The lightning sparkled one by one, and a little later, there was a dry crackling of thunder. It was not that scary, but it was somewhat restless. The house stood a little away from the trees, and in a small window, it was clearly visible flashes of lightning, discharges of which went into the ground.

      At one point, something cracked near the house, and a small fireball erupted right next to the window. Fedor and Martha from surprise bounced off the window and tried to close the old rotten shutters. The wind outside was strong, and a decent draft was walking around the hut. Once, covering the window, Fedor and Martha moved deep into the room. The fireball outside the window began to approach the window and at some point was inside the room. Martha cried out from surprise, and Fedor was not in earnest confused.

      It was not possible to run outside. The ball moved between the window and the door. There was a smell of ozone in the room, and the whole body seemed to permeate the sharp needles. From a sharp gust of wind the door opened, and in the opening appeared an object, similar to a sick bagel. It was very different from this ball lightning. The colors he was pinkish and did not come from it neither crackling nor hissing. His outlines became clearer.

      At one point, this bagel pulled into a ball lightning and it, quietly hissing, disappeared into its space. The feeling of tension in the body immediately disappeared. Fedor and Martha looked at each other with surprise. They, like physicists, could not understand what was happening. Moments later, the pinky bagel swam out and slowly began to rise upwards. The wind did not act on him. For a while, he hung motionless in the air. Then its outlines began to change. It increased in size and took the form of a cigar. At some point, he erupted, gained speed and disappeared beyond the horizon. Fedor and Martha looked at each other. It was impossible to explain. If such a case was told by a simple peasant from a nearby village, no one would believe him. But they are physicists.

      – I do not think it is worth telling anyone, – Fedor said, they will not believe it anyway.

      Space Carrier

      Chapter 1

      A normal flight. Muran has already lost count of how many times he flew between two moons of Jupiter, Callisto and Ganymede. They are not far from each other. About five days of flight. Muran’s small shuttle ship was carrying various cargoes and equipment. He liked the job, although flying alone was rather boring. Five days of flight, five days of rest. A three-year contract. Then home to Earth. I did not think Muran’s job would be so monotonous, but they pay well.

      The base at Ganymede was large. The truth was it under the surface of the planet. There are many people. You can have fun. Chat. Learn some news. Even to see some movie with friends and then for Muran was a pleasure. After five days of solitary flight, I wanted to take my soul and share with someone. The staff of the colony lived their own narrow circle. Everyone knew each other well, and they perceived Muran’s arrival as the arrival of the mail carrier. He came, handed over the letter, left. Muran wanted to be perceived in a special way. Everyone had his own job, his responsibilities, everyone worked out his contract. Everyone was waiting to return to his or her native Earth.

      The only person at the station who understood him was Linden. He was also a transport shuttle pilot, but he flew to another satellite, Io. Only with him, Muran could share his thoughts, problems. Only Linden could understand him, understand his loneliness.

      Linden has this last contract. In a year, he will return to Earth and no longer fly. Age is age. After fifty, they do not take such a job. Linden was already thinking about what he would do on Earth. They will fly home together and it pleased Muran. After all, returning to such a company will not be so boring. In the meantime, we have to work. Tomorrow again, flight to Callisto.

      The flight took place as usual. He set the mode on the remote and looked into the porthole. Yes, it is beautiful after all. The view of the huge Jupiter is impressive. A huge red spot slowly floated along the equator. The station on Ganymede has been studying this huge planet for a long time. A lot of research has already been done, but how many more secrets does it keep? The gas giant is very inhospitable. The power of its radiation does not allow building stations on the surface of satellites. Radiation is radiation. Colonists have to move all the structures deep below the surface.

      Well, Muran has to fly. He will have only two such contracts for three years. You cannot do it

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