Courseware based on The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 - Foundation (Level 1). Van Haren Learning Solutions a.o.
Courseware based on The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 - Foundation (Level 1)
Title: | Courseware based on The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 - Foundation (Level 1) |
Authors: | Van Haren Learning Solutions A.O |
Publisher: | Van Haren Publishing, ‘s-Hertogenbosch |
ISBN Hard Copy: | 9789401805247 |
Edition: | First edition, first print, May 2018 |
Second edition, first print December 2018 | |
Third edition, first print September 2019 | |
Design: | Van Haren Publishing, ‘s Hertogenbosch |
Copyright: | © Van Haren Publishing 2019 |
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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a data processing system or Published in any form by print, photocopy or any other means whatsoever without the prior written Consent of the authors and publisher.
This material contains diagrams and text Information based upon:
TOGAF® is a TradeMark of The Open Group. ArchiMate®, DirecNet®, Jericho Forum®, Making Standards Work®, OpenPegasus®, The Open Group®, TOGAF®, and UNIX® are registered trademarks and Boundaryless Information FlowTM, Dependability Through AssurednessTM, FACETM, Open Platform 3.0TM, and The Open Group Certification MarkTM are trademarks of The Open Group.
BPMNTM and Business Process Modeling NotationTM are trademarks of the Object Management Group (OMG).
All other brand, company, and product names are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks that are the sole property of their respective owners.
In the event of any discrepancy between text in this Study Guide and the official TOGAF documentation, the TOGAF documentation remains the authoritative version for certification, testing by examination, and other purposes. The official TOGAF documentation can be obtained online at
About the Courseware
The Courseware was created by experts from the industry who served as the author(s) for this publication. The input for the material is based on existing publications and the experience and expertise of the author(s). The material has been revised by trainers who also have experience working with the material. Close attention was also paid to the key learning points to ensure what needs to be mastered.
The objective of the courseware is to provide maximum support to the trainer and to the student, during his or her training. The material has a modular structure and according to the author(s) has the highest success rate should the student opt for examination. The Courseware is also accredited for this reason, wherever applicable.
In order to satisfy the requirements for accreditation the material must meet certain quality standards. The structure, the use of certain terms, diagrams and references are all part of this accreditation. Additionally, the material must be made available to each student in order to obtain full accreditation. To optimally support the trainer and the participant of the training assignments, practice exams and results are provided with the material.
Direct reference to advised literature is also regularly covered in the sheets so that students can find additional information concerning a particular topic. The decision to leave out notes pages from the Courseware was to encourage students to take notes throughout the material.
Although the courseware is complete, the possibility that the trainer deviates from the structure of the sheets or chooses to not refer to all the sheets or commands does exist. The student always has the possibility to cover these topics and go through them on their own time. It is recommended to follow the structure of the courseware and publications for maximum exam preparation.
The courseware and the recommended literature are the perfect combination to learn and understand the theory.
The Open Group Publications available from Van Haren Publishing
The TOGAF Series:
The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2
The TOGAF® Standard Version 9.2 – A Pocket Guide
TOGAF® 9 Foundation Study Guide, 4th Edition
TOGAF® 9 Certified Study Guide, 4th Edition
The Open Group Series:
The IT4ITTM Reference Architecture, Version 2.1
IT4ITTM for Managing the Business of IT – A Management Guide
IT4ITTM Foundation Study Guide, 2nd edition
The IT4ITTM Reference Architecture, Version 2.1 – A Pocket Guide
Cloud Computing for Business – The Open Group Guide
ArchiMate® 3.0.1 – A Pocket Guide
ArchiMate® 2 Certification – Study Guide
ArchiMate® 3.0.1 Specification
The Open Group Security Series:
O-TTPS - A Management Guide
Open Information Security Management Maturity Model (O-ISM3)
Open Enterprise Security Architecture (O-ESA)
Risk Management – The Open Group Guide
The Open FAIRTM Body of Knowledge – A Pocket Guide
All titles are available to purchase from:
and also many international and online distributors.
Self-Reflection of understanding Diagram
‘What you do not measure, you cannot control.” – Tom Peters
Fill in this diagram to self-evaluate your understanding of the material. This is an evaluation of how well you know the material and how well you understand it. In order to pass the exam successfully you should be aiming to reach the higher end of Level 3. If you really want to become a pro, then you should be aiming for Level 4. Your overall level of understanding will naturally follow the learning curve. So, it’s important to keep track of where you are at each point of the training and address any areas of difficulty.
Based on where you are within the Self-Reflection of Understanding diagram you can evaluate the progress of your own training.
Write down the problem areas that you are still having difficulty with so that you can consolidate them yourself, or with your trainer. After you have had a look at these, then you should evaluate to see if you now have a better understanding of where you actually are on the learning curve.
Other publications by Van Haren Publishing
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- IT and IT Management
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