Coconut Oil Bible: (Boxed Set): Benefits, Remedies and Tips for Beauty and Weight Loss. Speedy Publishing
Table of Contents
Coconut Oil: The Numerous Advantages
Coconut Oil- Natures Wonder Cure
Coconut Oil: The Numerous Advantages
How Coconut Oil Can Help Keep You Healthy
By: Trent Gordon
Chapter 1- Coconut Oil- An Overview
Coconut oil is an edible form of oil derived from the meat or kernel of fully-ripened coconuts removed from coconut palms. It is widely used in homeopathic remedies and cooking. Coconut oil is known for its immune system boosting capabilities due to its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It contains healing components such as antimicrobial lipids, capric acid, caprylic acid, and lauric acid that can be used as a supplement to prevent or improve conditions such as kidney infections, stress, obesity, pancreatitis, diabetes, obesity, and dry skin.
Types of Coconut Oil and Their Uses
Pure Coconut Oil: This form of oil is derived from dried-out coconut kernels (copra). It is praised for being unrefined and free of additives. Pure coconut oil can be found in capsule form at vitamin retail shops, and can be used in cooking recipes, too. Skin care companies like to use it as a main ingredient in their skin care products.
Refined Coconut Oil: Refined coconut oil, also known as RBD (refined, bleached, and deodorized coconut), is obtained through machine and chemical processing. With this refining process, the oil ends up being colorless, odorless, thin, and free of protein suspension, leaving it free of unsaturated fats. It is largely used in cooking.
Virgin Coconut Oil: This type of coconut oil originates from the milk found in fresh coconut meat, rather than copra. It is processed through centrifugal separation, fermentation, and enzyme action. In terms of cooking, it is the best tasting of all the coconut oil varieties, and is rich in antioxidants and medium-chain fatty acids as well. Due to its excellent anti-microbial properties, it is rated high in safety.
Organic Coconut Oil: Organic coconut oil is derived from organic coconuts that have not been exposed to insecticides or synthetic fertilizers. It can typically be found in organic-based foods and personal products such as soaps and lotions.
Organic Virgin Coconut Oil: This form of coconut is hard to find, and is essentially derived from virgin coconut oil from organic coconuts.
Coconut Oil Intended for Carrier Oil Purposes: Carrier oils can best be described as oils that can be easily absorbed by the skin, making it easier for other oils and extracts to be absorbed by the skin when combined with it. Carrier oils are often present in Chinese medicine, aromatherapy, and massage oils. Because coconut oil doesn't decompose, it prevents other mixed-in oils and extracts from decomposing as well.
Heart Disease Prevention
Coconut oil contains 50% lauric acid, which can prevent a variety of heart problems and conditions such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Since coconut oil will not cause an increase in LDL levels, it can significantly reduce the presence of artery blockage, which can lead to atherosclerosis.
Weight Control
Have you ever noticed that people from tropical coastal areas are rarely overweight?
Their secret to slimness is, you guessed it, coconut! In the 1930's, a well-known physician named Dr. Watson Price observed that Pacific Islanders whose diets were high in coconut had healthy body weights, even though coconut is high in dietary fat.
Coconut is a great tool to control weight due to its short and medium-chain fatty acids that aids in melting fat. As it is easy to digest, it helps to support the proper functioning of the endocrine system and thyroid. Its fatty acid properties can help overweight people shed unwanted pounds by increasing their body's metabolic rate while removing unnecessary stress on the pancreas.
Digestive Relief
Due to America's undeniable love for refined carbohydrates, it’s no surprise that many Americans suffer from uncomfortable digestive problems. Fortunately, coconut oil can provide relief from digestive conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, gastritis, and diverticulitis, when incorporated into the diet.
Diabetes Control
Diabetes is a medical condition caused by the body's off-balance production of insulin. Studies show that a diet rich in coconut oil can protect people who are genetically or environmentally predisposed to diabetes from insulin resistance.
Natural Nourishment for the Hair and Scalp
If you want to have healthy shiny hair, coconut oil is one of the best natural sources you can use to achieve this. It's known for restoring protein loss, which is the primary cause for unattractive hair conditions such as dullness and frizzy strands. It can be applied directly to the hair after shampooing as a nourishing leave-in conditioner. If you suffer from chronic dandruff, it could mean that your scalp is dried out from harsh sulfates commonly found in commercially made shampoos. Sulfates are what make the shampoos foam up, when combined with water and friction. Massaging a small amount of coconut oil into the scalp is an effective way to keep embarrassing dandruff flakes under control.
Skin Care
In terms of skin care, coconut oil is superior to mineral oil, as there are no adverse side effects. It is a safe, highly-concentrated natural alternative for preventing and curing excessively dry skin. Its remarkable moisturizing capabilities can prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as sagging skin caused by lack of elasticity. Coconut oil can safely treat skin conditions such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and skin infections. It is often used as a base ingredient in personal products such as creams, lotions, and soaps.
Side Effects
Saturated fats like coconut oil have been widely criticized by the media for causing clogged arteries and heightened cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of heart disease. According to the Journal of American Medical Association, this assessment is false, as saturated fats, when consumed in moderate doses, can actually benefit your overall health, and can even lower the risk of stroke in certain individuals. Too much intake of saturated fats, however, can lead to a toxic build-up of fat in the liver.
Give Coconut Oil a Try
As you can see, there are many benefits to incorporating coconut oil into your diet and skin care routine. Once you start to see the positive changes that occur from using coconut oil, be sure to share your positive experiences with others!
Chapter 2- The Advantages of Using Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is known for relieving stress, increasing your immune system, weight loss, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, high blood pressure and much more.
Since coconut oil is considered as a super food, it is also known that it provides a unique mix of fatty acids that can impact a person's health immensely. Coconut oil is also proven to increase brain function as well as prevent wrinkles.
Unfortunately, coconut oil has gotten a bit of negative publicity, in regards to containing high amounts of saturated fat. Surprisingly, these fat amounts are meant to be consumed in moderation. While coconut oil does contain fat, it also reaps in many amazing health benefits.
Coconut Oil contains lauric acid, which is a saturated fat that increases the good cholesterol in your blood to help improve and control your ratio levels.
Unlike most fatty acids, they will