Sermon Seeds. Dottie Escobedo-Frank

Sermon Seeds - Dottie Escobedo-Frank

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       Sermon Seeds

      Dottie Escobedo-Frank

      Abingdon Press



      Copyright © 2005 by Abingdon Press

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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

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      All Scripture quotations unless noted otherwise are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

      This book is printed on recycled, acid-free paper.

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       For Abigail McLemore,

       a chef of the most creative kind, an artiste of the palate, a lover of

       all that is good and kind and courageous. For all you have endured

       with strength and dignity, and for what we have learned by watching

       you tackle cancer at such a young age. This book is dedicated to

       you because you are most beloved.

       For Steve Marshall,

       the pastor who first showed me about creativity and sermons. This

       book is dedicated to you because you paved the way.

       For Cliff Wright,

       he musical genius who listens well and transfers my thoughts into

       music that goes beyond the limitations of words. This book is dedicated

       to you because you are my partner in ministry.

       For Lisa Burgess,

       the creative guru who sees the world in pictures of grace and goodness.

       This book is dedicated to you because you carry the seeds of

       innovation in your soul.

       For Jan Brophy,

       the woman who organizes my messes, knows my quirks, and still

       hangs in. For taking the jumbled bits and bringing order and

       understanding and clarity. This book is dedicated to you because

       you always make me laugh.

       For my creative family: Mom, Dad, Lee, Allan, Cherie, Sarita and


       For loving me while knowing me so well. For being my soul mates

       and my most treasured friends. This book is dedicated to you

       because your ingenuity astounds me.

       For my family: Jim, Sara, Natalie and Andrew.

       You know I couldn't do life without you. You are my warm blanket,

       my favorite jeans, and my best cup of coffee. This book is dedicated

       to you because I love you with my whole heart.

       And, for Jesus, lover of my soul.


      I love surprises! As a little girl, I did my best to bring surprise into my life and into the life of my family. I remember one day my big sister Cherie was doing dishes when I decided to have some fun. I went outside and quietly snuck back in through the front door, hiding behind the corner. As soon as I heard Cherie coming my way, I jumped out and screamed at the top of my lungs. Cherie was totally shocked, and her automatic reaction was a quick and firm slap to my face! Ouch! But I was not done yet. After a hug and some laughter, I went outside again and snuck back in through the front door. I hid until the right moment, and—you guessed it—I jumped out and scared her one more time with my horrendous scream. This time she had a metal bucket in her hand and, without thinking, she bopped me across the arm with that bucket. She was laughing, and I was crying! It was the best of fun, and I look back on that moment with fondness and chuckle at my stupidity!

      In junior high, my friend Clarissa "fainted" in our teacher's arms, only to shout out, "April Fools!" after she was scooped up and carried toward the door. Thank goodness the math teacher had a keen sense of humor! Once Clarissa even convinced my boyfriend that he should go out with her, all the while I was hiding in the floor of the back seat of the car. Poor Danny! Clarissa is in heaven now, and I have no doubt that she is giving the angels a good laugh. My sister Sarita and I would often trade places on the phone, pretending we were each other to find out what was really going on! April Fool's Day is my favorite holiday because it is a day when surprises are expected. Ask my last church what fun Sunday can be on April Fool's Day!

      Sermons have a reputation in recent history of being boring— things people "endure." When I went to seminary, the thing I dreaded most about becoming a pastor was that I'd have to give sermons. I was scared to death of getting up in front of people, but also, I was not excited about watching people fall asleep at my expense! I was determined to find a way to make this part of ministry fun! So I began my own personal search for something (I didn't know exactly what) that would bring surprise and delight to the church once a week.

      After I had been a pastor for a few years, delivering my fair share of "yawners," I attended an Evangelism Conference at Community Church of Joy in Glendale, Arizona. I was fascinated as I watched the staff weave together word, technology, and fabulous music to create a worship experience that kept me on the edge of my seat, straining to hear every word. Excited, I began to wonder if I could do the same thing in my little church down the road.

      No more than two or three days after the conference, I was sitting in my office as mad as a hornet. I realized I couldn't do what they did at Community Church of Joy. We didn't have the technology, the money, or the staff to support any creative ideas I might come up with. But I stopped myself from defeatist attitudes and began to think of creative venues that did not cost money. I recalled the world of the arts: painting, sculpture, poetry, and song. I thought about mime, dance, drama, and interviews. I remembered my Dad's comment, "Poverty is the genius of invention, Dottie." I began to realize that creativity doesn't require money but that it does require out-of-the-box surprises. I began to experiment. I began to surprise myself and others. I began to think of sermons in a new way.

      Sermons are creative avenues for God's

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