Inclusion Strategies and Interventions, Second Edition. Toby J. Karten
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Names: Karten, Toby J., author.
Title: Inclusion strategies and interventions / Toby J. Karten.
Description: Second edition. | Bloomington, IN : Solution Tree Press, 2020. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2020015764 (print) | LCCN 2020015765 (ebook) | ISBN 9781951075217 (paperback) | ISBN 9781951075224 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Inclusive education--United States. | Classroom environment--United States. | Special education--United States.
Classification: LCC LC1201 .K369 2020 (print) | LCC LC1201 (ebook) | DDC 371.9/046--dc23
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Solution Tree
Jeffrey C. Jones, CEO
Edmund M. Ackerman, President
Solution Tree Press
President and Publisher: Douglas M. Rife
Associate Publisher: Sarah Payne-Mills
Art Director: Rian Anderson
Managing Production Editor: Kendra Slayton
Senior Production Editor: Christine Hood
Content Development Specialist: Amy Rubenstein
Copy Editor: Evie Madsen
Proofreader: Mark Hain
Cover Designer: Rian Anderson
Editorial Assistants: Sarah Ludwig and Elijah Oates
The cover artwork comes from a mixed-media mural titled Uşak Garden, created in 2019 by visiting artist and educator Timothy Lomas with students of the Engelsiz Yaşam Bakim ve Rehabilitasyon Merkezi ve Aile Danişma Merkezi (Disabled Life Care Rehabilitation Center and Family Counseling Center) in Uşak, Turkey.
In 2010, at an educational conference in Australia, I was introduced to a man named Jeff Jones, CEO of Solution Tree. We had a conversation about my possibly publishing a book to address students with special needs, and fast forward a year later, the first edition of Inclusion Strategies and Interventions was published. Ten years later, I am honored to update this publication and offer the second edition. I’m so glad we had that conversation! None of this would be possible without the professionalism, guidance, support, knowledge, and arduous efforts of the Solution Tree staff, including Douglas Rife (president and publisher and all-around good guy), my editor Christine Hood (who asked a slew of questions that led to more student applications), Kelly Rockhill, Shik Love, and Jennifer Ingram (for hosting an uplifting Zoom call amidst a pandemic), associate publisher Sarah Payne-Mills, managing production editor Kendra Slayton for your guidance, and Rian Anderson (who produced an amazing cover). A book isn’t possible without dedicated publishers, copyeditors, proofreaders, editorial assistants, and reviewers. All of you rock; thank you for your expertise and guidance.
On a personal note, thank you to my family and friends. You make me a better me.
My last acknowledgment goes to the administrators and teachers who I worked with and coached, and the students and families I am honored to teach and know. I value our past and current collaborations. Together we allow inclusion to hop, jump, and skip beyond the classroom into inclusion places in our hearts and the world.
Cover Art
The cover artwork comes from a mixed-media mural titled Uşak Garden, created in 2019 by visiting artist and educator Timothy Lomas with students of the Engelsiz Yaşam Bakim ve Rehabilitasyon Merkezi ve Aile Danişma Merkezi (Disabled Life Care Rehabilitation Center and Family Counseling Center) in Uşak, Turkey. They made it as part of the “Ben Buradayim” sanat atölyesi (“I Am Here” art workshops), which provide creativity, cultural exchange, and representation to individuals institutionalized due to cognitive and developmental disabilities. These workshops are cosponsored by MK San Art, the Global Children’s Art Programme (, TÜÇEV, and the U.S. embassy in Ankara, Turkey. In addition to being an artist and educator, Lomas is cofounder and president of the Global Children’s Art Programme. He is known for his international work in social justice and inclusive education in the arts.
Solution Tree Press would like to thank the following reviewers:
Emily Asqueri | Erin Kruckenberg |
English Teacher | Fifth-Grade Teacher |
Kinard Middle School | Jefferson Elementary School |
Fort Collins, Colorado | Harvard, Illinois |
Jenna Fanshier | Kristie Smith |
Sixth-Grade Teacher | Language Arts Teacher |
Hesston Middle School | Guernsey Sunrise High School |
Hesston, Kansas | Guernsey, Wyoming |
Joshua Kelley | |
Social Studies Teacher | |
Oakcrest Intermediate School | |
Cypress, Texas |
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Table of Contents
Reproducible pages are in italics.
In This Second Edition