Mega Sleepover 3. Narinder Dhami

Mega Sleepover 3 - Narinder  Dhami

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      Mega Sleepover Club 3

      Sleepover Girls Go Pop!

      The 24-hour Sleepover Club

      The Sleepover Club Sleeps Out

      Lorna Read

      Fiona Cummings

      Narinder Dhami



       Title Page

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       The End

       The 24-Hour Sleepover Club

       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       The Sleepover Club Sleeps Out

       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Have you been invited to all these sleepovers?

       Sleepover Kit List


       About the Publisher

Sleepover Girls Go Pop!


      Uh-oh, I can see Frankie looking at me. Well, looking’s hardly the word. She’s glaring like Fliss’s neighbour, Mr Watson-Wade - Mr Grumpy, as we call him - does, when he thinks we’ve thrown crisp packets into his pond.

      I know what that look means. It means I’ve got to tell you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, cross my heart a billion, trillion, zillion times and hope to die before Andy - that’s Fliss’s mum’s boyfriend - discovers that his guitar is really a cardboard cut-out and my brother Stuart discovers why his saxophone won’t make a sound any more!

      I’m a Libran and everybody knows Librans don’t like telling lies. We’re the ones who believe everybody should play fair. We’re always trying to keep the peace -but ‘peace’ is a dirty word in our house at the moment. At least, since Saturday night.

      It wasn’t all our fault. It was partly Dad’s, for not converting the attic properly.

      He’s always doing weird things to our house, like moving the doors around and building extra rooms. I shouldn’t be surprised to wake up one day and find out he’s double-glazed me!

      I’m Lyndz, by the way. That’s short for Lyndsey Marianne Collins. I’m one of the five members of the Sleepover Club.

      The others are Laura McKenzie, known as Kenny. She’s Frankie’s best friend. There’s Francesca Thomas, Frankie for short, and Fliss. Fliss’s full name is Felicity Sidebotham (please don’t laugh, it’s not fair. Anyway, she pronounces it Side-botham).

      The last person to join our gang was Rosie, alias Rosie Maria Cartwright. It was my idea that she should be allowed to join, because she was new to the area, and new to school, and didn’t know anyone.

      Well, we had to rescue her from the dreaded M&Ms, didn’t we? Just imagine if she’d got into the clutches of our worst enemies! The Goblin - that’s Emily Berryman, one of the M&Ms - might have twitched her stupid splodgy nose and turned her into a toad or something.

      Quick! I’ve just noticed Frankie isn’t looking. Let’s run out into the garden and hide in the

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