Second Chance Christmas. Tanya Michaels
A Christmas To Remember…
Ski-lodge manager Elisabeth is the quiet Donnelly twin—sedate, mature, responsible. It wasn’t like her to fall in love with ski patroller Justin Cade, famous for his killer smile, blue eyes and way with women. But it was just like him to dump her when things began to get serious.
Now he’s suddenly back in her life, and the timing couldn’t be worse. Elisabeth has plans to marry a successful businessman, and with Christmas around the corner, she wants to make the holidays special for her adopted young goddaughter. Falling for Justin all over again would definitely not be the sensible thing to do. But maybe, for once in her life, Elisabeth should follow her heart instead of her head.
Justin instinctively pulled her against him to avoid the collision.
The instant her body touched his, his mind went blank, heat silencing his intended reprimand to the hooligans. Elisabeth’s sharp intake of breath was audible and, from his view over her shoulder, did mesmerizing things for her cleavage.
She craned her head to look up at him. “Thanks.” The word ended on a near whisper as their gazes locked. She was right there, so close, in his arms the way she’d been hundreds of times before. The urge to kiss her was so natural.…
“Justin?” Her voice was a squeak of uncertainty, jarring him from lust-addled memories.
He immediately dropped his hands to his sides, hoping he looked more innocent than he felt. “Just wanted to make sure you didn’t get hurt.”
A hollow chuckle escaped her. “Ironic, coming from you.”
He flinched. “Guess I deserved that.”
He took a step back, trying to repress the desire he’d felt, trying to repress memories of how exquisitely responsive she’d always been to his kisses.
“I should go,” she stammered.
Dear Reader,
When I wrote my first Colorado Cades book (Her Secret, His Baby), I knew I couldn’t wait for the chance to give the heroine’s brother Justin his own story.
Search-and-rescue patroller Justin Cade is many things—an excellent skier, a terrific big brother and an incorrigible charmer. But, after losing both his parents young, the one thing he doesn’t do well is commitment. Seemingly carefree Justin refuses to get close and risk more pain, a lesson Elisabeth Donnelly learned all too well.
Now that Elisabeth has custody of her orphaned goddaughter, it’s more important than ever to make smart decisions for the future. No more pining over blue-eyed heartbreakers! She’s engaged to marry a man who is in many ways Justin’s opposite. So why are fate and several meddlesome siblings determined to throw her and Justin together?
When her goddaughter goes missing in a blizzard, Elisabeth relies on Justin for help. But can she rely on him emotionally? Luckily, Christmas is the season of miracles.…
If you enjoy Justin and Elisabeth’s story, be sure to follow me on Twitter or like me on Facebook for updates on the next book in the Colorado Cades trilogy.
Happy holidays,
Second Chance Christmas
Tanya Michaels
New York Times bestselling author and three-time RITA® Award nominee Tanya Michaels writes about what she knows—community, family and lasting love! Her books, praised for their poignancy and humor, have received honors such as a Booksellers’ Best Bet Award, a Maggie Award of Excellence and multiple readers’ choice awards. She was also a 2010 RT Book Reviews nominee for Career Achievement in Category Romance. Tanya is an active member of Romance Writers of America and a frequent public speaker, presenting workshops to educate and encourage aspiring writers. She lives outside Atlanta with her very supportive husband, two highly imaginative children and a household of quirky pets, including a cat who thinks she’s a dog and a bichon frise who thinks she’s the center of the universe.
For Sally Kilpatrick—my gratitude goes beyond words. Fully expressing my thanks may require interpretative dance and puppetry.
Chapter One
Justin Cade’s specialty was women. While his colleagues on rescue patrol could attest he was a remarkably skilled skier, it was his expertise with females that made him infamous throughout Cielo Peak, Colorado. He may have set a town record with the number of women he’d dated, but he also used his powers for good. When a neighbor had been hell-bent on running over her unfaithful husband, it was Justin who’d charmed her into relinquishing her car keys. Over the summer, when his sister, Arden, had been in the clutches of pregnancy mood swings, it was Justin who’d had the most success calming her.
So when he heard an outraged female shriek, “Justin Cade, you heartless ass!” across the sporting goods shop, he wasn’t too worried. His first reaction was gratitude that she’d momentarily drowned out the incessant Christmas music. Retailers had barely waited for Halloween to pass before bombarding shoppers with holiday tunes. There were still two weeks before Christmas, but Justin had hit his limit on fa-la-las and rum-pa-pum-pums.
Preparing to face his accuser, he turned from the shelf of ski wax, a conciliatory smile in place. It faltered when he caught a glimpse of red hair. Elisabeth? Conflicting feelings swirled through him, and his pulse had already accelerated in the split second it took him to realize his mistake. It wasn’t Elisabeth Donnelly. Stupid to think it might have been—she was far too poised to shout across a store.
No, it was her twin sister, Evangeline, better known as Lina, barreling toward him. What did I do to rile her? When it came to the Donnellys, he’d tried to keep a low profile since breaking up with Elisabeth five months ago.
Lina skipped the traditional “hello” in favor of threatening him. “If I weren’t a foot shorter than you, I’d tear you limb from limb. It’s kismet, running into you after what I learned this morning. The universe wants you to know this is your fault.”
He ducked his head in agreement. “You’re probably right. Unfortunately,