A Temporary Arrangement. Roxanne Rustand

A Temporary Arrangement - Roxanne  Rustand

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      He was silent for a long moment

      Abby had the oddest feeling he was assessing her—truly looking at her—for the first time. “Go on, get inside,” he finally said.

      “Thanks, Ethan. For this place…for the groceries. And for taking care of my dog. I definitely owe you.”

      Inside the cabin she locked the door and leaned against it, wondering if the past few minutes had just been in her imagination.

      Ethan didn’t really want her here. She was at his ranch only to help with meals and stay with his boy, Keifer, when Ethan went off on his late-evening research jaunts.

      Which was fine. She had a great job waiting for her in California and she certainly wasn’t interested in any casual short-term flings.

      Especially not with Ethan Matthews.

      Dear Reader,

      Writing the BLACKBERRY HILL MEMORIAL series has been such fun! Northern Wisconsin must be one of the loveliest places on earth, especially in the fall, when the leaves of the hardwoods are afire with brilliant color, in contrast to the dark green pines and sparkling, sapphire lakes. Author Lyn Cote lives on one of those stunning lakes, and visiting her and her husband each fall is an annual delight. She and I must hit every bookstore, garage sale and resale shop in the county…and I don’t even want to guess at all the calories we consume! Those Wisconsin visits were the inspiration for this series.

      In A Temporary Arrangement, Blackberry Hill Memorial is facing the challenges common to many small-town hospitals, but there are darker problems in this idyllic place—hidden threats that jeopardize the future of the new director of nursing. And for a wildlife biologist who spends most of his time alone, threats come in the form of someone clearly bent on revenge and a lovely newcomer who just may steal his heart.

      If you’ve missed the other two BLACKBERRY HILL MEMORIAL stories, Almost a Family and A Man She Can Trust, check for them at www.eHarlequin.com.

      I love hearing from readers, and can be contacted at R. [email protected] or Box 2550, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406-2550, or at my Web sites, www.roxannerustand.com and www.booksbyrustand.com. You can find a free, downloadable cookbook at the first Web site, along with a contest, reviews and more. If you send a SASE to the P.O. box, I’ll be happy to send you some bookmarks.

      Wishing you the best for your own happily ever after!

      Roxanne Rustand

      A Temporary Arrangement

      Roxanne Rustand



      Award-winning author Roxanne Rustand’s love of romance began when a friend gave her a wonderful novel and dared her to put it down. She did—at four o’clock the next morning. Completely hooked, she read romance for several years before starting to write one of her own. Roxanne is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition, and works at a residential psychiatric facility. As a wife and mother of three, she tries hard to balance family, career and writing commitments…. even when it means retreating to a hotel for the weekend to meet her deadlines.


      With many thanks to my dear friend, author Lyn Cote, and her husband, Steve, for their hospitality during our wonderful “writers’ retreat weekends” in northern Wisconsin. And to Diane, Jacquie and Pamela for your invaluable friendship and support.

       I feel so very blessed to know you all.

      This one is for you, Emily, with thanks for all the wonderful treats and lunches and suppers you made while I was locked away in my office. You’re the sweetest daughter ever!

























      ABBY CAHILL breathed in the crisp, pine-scented air, then stepped inside Blackberry Hill Memorial Hospital to start a new chapter in her life.

      The retiring director of nursing, Grace Fisher-Edwards, met her inside the door with a broad smile. “I was afraid the tourist traffic would slow you down, but you’re right on time.” She ushered Abby down the hall to her office. “June can be a real bear around here.”

      Abby laughed. “On par with five o’clock rush hour in Detroit, except the scenery is much, much prettier.”

      “If you can see past the vehicles, that is.” Grace snorted as she settled behind her cluttered desk and shifted a stack of files to one side. “During the summer, our population triples.”

      “And I think every last one of those tourists is on Main right now.” Grinning, Abby searched through her shoulder bag for her notebook and a pen. “I sure wish I could’ve come a few days earlier, but our nursing students’ graduation was on Saturday and then I still had to pack.”

      “You must be exhausted.”

      “No…though I do look forward to settling into my new place.” Abby sat back in her chair and uncapped her pen.

      Grace’s eyes filled with concern. “I gather you haven’t stopped by the Hawthorne Apartments.”

      “Not yet.” Abby flipped open the notebook, her pen poised over its pristine surface. “Meeting with you was my biggest priority, believe me.”

      “The manager tried to call you yesterday. He even called the hospital, hoping Erin or I would know how to reach you.”

      Abby stilled. “My home phone was disconnected yesterday morning, and I have a new cell. But there shouldn’t be a problem—I’ve signed a lease.”

      “There was a fire over the weekend.”

      “Oh, my,” Abby said faintly. “Was anyone hurt?”

      “No, but half your building was gutted, leaving seven families homeless…and now you, I guess.” Grace pushed a piece of paper across the desk. “I’ve done some checking, but there aren’t many apartments in this area. I’m afraid those displaced renters have already taken what little there was.”

      “I’m glad I left most of my things in storage for the summer.” Abby considered the situation for a moment. “Maybe I can find a cabin to rent. Or even a motel, until the apartment building’s livable.”

      “I’m not sure it ever will be.” Grace worried her lower lip. “We’ve heard rumors for years about the owner wanting to raze the entire complex so he can put up fancy condos.”

      Dread settled in the pit of Abby’s stomach. “What are my options?”


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