The Taming of Xander Sterne. Carole Mortimer
‘I told you—I’m not embarrassed.’
Sam moved briskly across the room to drop down to her knees in front of Xander as she began to towel-dry the long length of his legs, taking care to gentle her movements on his injured leg, avoiding the several healing scars running the length of it.
‘Liar,’ he drawled.
Sam looked up at him sharply. ‘I think you have an overinflated opinion of your sexual prowess, Mr Sterne.’
‘Not recently, I don’t,’ he admitted.
The perfect opening … ‘I should have mentioned this to you before.’ Sam kept her head bent as she concentrated on drying his feet. ‘I don’t think … I would prefer it if, for the duration of our stay here, you didn’t …’ She began again. ‘I realise this is an imposition, but I’d prefer it if you refrained from bringing any women to your apartment while I’m here,’ she muttered.
He arched one blond and arrogant brow. ‘Are you going to make it worth my while?’
Sam blinked. ‘Sorry?’
He placed his hands on the bed behind him and leant back, emphasising the muscles of his shoulders and arms as he looked up at her challengingly. ‘What are you offering in exchange?’ he asked, and a smug grin spread across his face.
Twin billionaire brothers—one dark and brooding, one
blond and charming—which would you choose?
Billionaire brothers Darius and Xander Sterne have it all—
power, wealth, and the world at their beck and call. Never
challenged, always triumphant—nothing is unattainable when you own the world, and they’ve enjoyed every indulgence their affluent status affords. Until now.
Because these twin tycoons are about to learn that there are
some things money and power can’t buy … And that the
greatest challenges net the most satisfying rewards.
Find out what happens in:
The Taming of Xander Sterne
Carole Mortimer
CAROLE MORTIMER was born and lives in the UK. She is married to Peter and they have six sons. She has written almost two hundred books since she started writing for Mills & Boon in 1978. She writes for the Mills & Boon® Modern™ and Historical romance lines. Carole is a USA TODAY Bestselling Author, and in 2012 was recognised by Queen Elizabeth II for her ‘outstanding contribution to literature’.
Our son Peter.
We are so proud of you!
The Twin Tycoons
‘I APPRECIATE THAT you leave for your honeymoon at the end of the week, Darius, but I seriously do not need you to arrange for a live-in babysitter for me for the two weeks you’re away!’ Xander scowled at his twin brother across the sitting room of his London penthouse apartment.
‘It’s not a babysitter, just someone to help you with things you can’t do yet, like getting in and out of the shower, drying off and dressing, driving.’
‘We have a company driver who can do that.’
‘But there’s no one to help you with the rest of those things,’ his brother reasoned. ‘Or to cook for you.’
‘For goodness’ sake, Darius, it’s been six weeks since I broke my leg.’
‘In three places, requiring two operations to fix. You can’t even stand for longer than ten minutes at a time yet.’ Darius was obviously refusing to back down on this.
Xander eyed him moodily, knowing that everything his brother said was true. ‘This isn’t really about what I can or can’t do, is it?’ He finally sighed resignedly.
Darius stilled. ‘What do you mean?’
‘What I mean is that I don’t have a death wish. Yes, I drove my car when I shouldn’t have, and yes, I ended up crashing into a lamppost and wrecking my car, but thankfully no one else was injured. But I didn’t do it deliberately, Darius. I told you at the time I was just so angry I couldn’t see straight. I was angry, Darius,’ he repeated harshly.
‘Everyone gets angry, Xander,’ Darius said softly.
‘My anger had been building for months.’
‘I know.’
Xander blinked. ‘You do?’
His twin nodded. ‘You were working and playing way too hard. It was as if you were trying to avoid something or someone.’
‘Lot of good that did me.’ If Xander had been capable of pacing the room at that moment, then he would have.
Six weeks ago, for the first time in his life, Xander had realised that he had a temper. Not the slow-burning temper of his brother, but a fiery hot volcano that had exploded out of control, resulting in Xander wanting to beat another man to within an inch of his life.
Admittedly that man had been loudly verbally abusing the woman who had arrived with him that night at the exclusive London nightclub owned by the Sterne brothers. It was a situation reminiscent of Xander’s childhood memories of the way in which his father had treated his mother.
But the desire to hit someone had shaken Xander to his core, to