Preppy. English Grammar: Phrases. Alexander Ptashkin

Preppy. English Grammar: Phrases - Alexander Ptashkin

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p>Preppy. English Grammar: Phrases

      Alexander Ptashkin

      © Alexander Ptashkin, 2020

      ISBN 978-5-0051-6620-3

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Preppy. English Grammar: Phrases


      This book deals with the review of the widely used phrases with prepositions in English. It is designed for people, who are keen on studying English at an intermediate level.

      This textbook consists of seven paragraphs and the section of sample tests. This book also implies the keys. They are located at the end of the book.

      The paragraphs include several blocks with prepositions in set phrases. Every paragraph consists of the exercises of translating from Russian into English, filling in the blanks within the sentences or forming right word order from the elements given. The system of exercises is given in accordance with the didactic principles.

      The key goal of this paper is to build the skills of using phraseological units among the students. The book includes the information about the peculiarities of phrases and the complex of exercises that can be useful for Russian students, specialists in the sphere of translation or other people, who are interested in studying Russian and English. The exercises aim at the formation of the necessary skills in terms of prepositions in English.

      §1. Outline of the prepositions


      # ON

      ON + DAYS: – I will see you on Friday.

      ON + DAY + PART OF THE DAY: – She is planning to have a party on Saturday evening.

      ON + WEATHER CONDITION OR INDICATION OF THE SEASON + DAY (MORNING, NIGHT, AFTERNOON, EVENING): – We noticed this letter on a rainy (windy, summer) day (morning, night, evening, etc.).

      On + dates: – Her birthday is on May 26th.

      ON + THE + DATE + OF + MONTH: – They are going to get married on the sixth of August.

      ON + SPECIFIC DAYS: – See you here on the 5th, on the appointed day.

      ON + SPECIAL HOLIDAYS: – Let’s meet on Easter Sunday, on smb’s birthday, on Christmas day, on New Year’s Day; we visited this town on Christmas Day.

      A SPECIAL PART OF THE DAY: – He will prepare the report on the afternoon of October the 23rd.

      OTHER SET PHRASES: on the night (morning, day, etc.) of smb’s arrival, on the same day.

      # AT

      AT + HOLIDAY PERIOD: – Come and see me at Christmas (or at Easter, BUT at the weekend (the article is used).

      AT + SPECIFIC TIME: – This concert starts at 9.20.

      AT + part of the day: – This fellow saw her at night (at midnight, late at night, at sunrise, at sunset, at dawn).

      OTHER SET PHRASES: at the beginning (end) of the week (term, the vacation), at the same time, at the appointed time, at that moment, at the present moment, at that time.

      Also the word weekend is used with preposition at: at the weekend BUT in American English it is on the weekend.

      # IN

      IN + SEASON: – She goes to the mountains in spring.

      In + time period: – They will be here in thirty minutes.

      IN + THE + CENTURY: – This house was built in the 7th century (ALSO: in the machine age, in the Middle Ages).

      In + the + decade: – He was popular in the 1980s (in the early, late «90s).

      IN + MONTHS: – This conference will take place in September (in early, late December).

      In + years: – This university was founded in 1986.

      IN + PARTS OF THE DAY: – I go to the zoo in the morning (afternoon, evening, BUT at night). ALSO: in the daytime.

      !In the beginning (the end) (not at) in the meaning of «at the start» and «finally», «after a long time»: – He was sad in the beginning.


      Call me next Sunday. We saw him last weekend.


      1. Fill in the blanks:

      1. … the appointed day, I showed up and found an audience of more than 300 recruits.

      2. It turns out that it’s quite difficult to define what people ate… prehistoric times.

      3. The sun would be purple red at sunset and crimson red… sunrise.

      4. The current year file is updated… the beginning of every week.

      5. … a rainy Saturday morning in October, another mile was added to that impressive list – the SKOLKOVO mile.

      6. There were three gates in the town walls: the Reszel Gate, the Lidzbark Gate and the Warsaw Gate… the Middle Ages.

      7. The new construction was demolished under the supervision of the police, … the night of 24 August 2018.

      8. … midnight the forest finally fell into a dead silence.

      9. We normally heat living rooms up to at least 21° C… cold winter days.

      10. … that time, our company focused on the production of food.

      2. Say it in English:

      1. Наши пассажиры проинформировали журналистов, что самолет взлетел после полуночи.

      2. В начале февраля 2019 года пройдет этап кубка мира в пятый раз.

      3. Стойка регистрации не работает в выходные дни.

      4. В жаркий летний день нет ничего лучше, чем холодное сливочное мороженое в рожке или фруктовое мороженое на палочке.

      5. Основной туристический сезон длится с апреля по ноябрь, хотя в Венеции также бывает много гостей на Рождество, Пасху и проходящий в феврале Карнавал.

      6. Мы, его ученики, друзья и коллеги, еще раз поздравляем профессора Джонатана с днем рождения и желаем ему крепкого здоровья, счастья.

      7. Этот прибор автоматически включается в сумерках.

      8. В снежное воскресное утро 14 ноября, выпускники вместе со студентами приехали в центр чтобы поиграть с детьми.

      9. Когда он вернулся в гостиницу поздней ночью, то решил пойти купить что-нибудь перекусить в ближайшем магазине.

      10. В настоящее время университет предлагает учебный курс по культуре на уровне бакалавра и магистра.

      §2. Outline of the prepositions

      # ABOUT

      – It can refer to movement or position in various directions or places: – These sportsmen were running about.

      – in the meaning of «near»: – There was no fellow about to play with him.

      – in the meaning

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