Poisonous Plants and Phytochemicals in Drug Discovery. Группа авторов

Poisonous Plants and Phytochemicals in Drug Discovery - Группа авторов

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      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright Page

      4  List of Contributors

      5  List of Figures

      6  List of Tables

      7  Preface

      8  Editors

      9  1 Historical Use of Toxic Plants 1.1 Introduction to Toxic Plants 1.2 Poisonous Plants as Sources of Traditional and Modern Medicines 1.3 Toxic Plants and Justice 1.4 Toxic Plants in Poisoned Weapons 1.5 Plant Fishing Poisons/Piscicides/Ichthyotoxins 1.6 Poisonous Plants as Food 1.7 Poisonous Plants as Biopesticides 1.8 Toxic Psychoactive Plants for Recreational and Religious Purposes 1.9 Poisonous Plants in Warfare and Bioterrorism 1.10 Poisonous Plants as Carcinogens and Teratogens 1.11 Conclusion References

      10  2 Classification of Phytotoxins and their Mechanisms of Action 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Possible Categorization 2.3 Currently Available Classification Tools 2.4 Role of Phytotoxin Classification 2.5 Brief Mechanisms of Action 2.6 Conclusion References

      11  3 Poisonous Plants as Sources of Anticancer and Other Drugs 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Poisonous Plants in the Treatment of Cancer and Other Diseases 3.3 Poisonous Plant‐Based Anticancer Drugs that are on the Market 3.4 Poisonous Plant‐Based Drugs Against Other Diseases that are on the Market 3.5 Conclusion References

      12  4 Drugs in Clinical Practice from Toxic Plants and Phytochemicals 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Drugs in Clinical Practice from Toxic Plants References

      13  5 Toxicology and Health Benefits of Plant Alkaloids 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Pharmacological Properties of Alkaloids 5.3 Toxicological Properties of Alkaloids 5.4 Acute and Chronic Toxicities 5.5 Factors that Influence the Toxicological Profile of Alkaloids 5.6 Conclusion References

      14  6 Chemical and Pharmacological Mechanisms of Plant‐Derived Neurotoxins 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Nerve Agents 6.3 Chemical Mechanisms of Neurotoxicity Induced by Organophosphate Nerve Agents 6.4 Mustards 6.5 Plant Natural Neurotoxins 6.6 Plant Glycosides 6.7 Conclusion References

      15  7 Phytosedatives for Drug Discovery 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Treatment of Neuropsychological Disorders: The Current Scenario 7.3 Phytosedatives: Desirable Alternatives to Synthesized Drugs 7.4 Different Classes of Phytosedatives 7.5 Plants with Reported Sedative Actions 7.6 Conclusion References

      16  8 Mushroom Species and Classification 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Classification

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