Inseminations. Juhani Pallasmaa
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Table of Contents
1 Cover
2 Preface
3 A An Artwork is… Aestheticization Amplifiers of Emotions Animal Architecture Anonymity Architectural Courtesy Architecture and Being Architecture and Biology Architecture as Experience Architecture as Impure Discipline Architecture is Constructed Mental Space Art as Representation and Reality Architecture, Reality and Self Art vs Science I Art vs Science II Artists as Phenomenologists and Neurologists Artists vs Architects Atmospheres in Architecture Atmospheric Intelligence Atmospheres in the Arts Atmospheric Sense [The]
4 B Beauty Beauty and Ethics Beauty and Time Being in the World Biophilic beauty Books (and architecture) Burial architecture
5 C Cinema and Architecture Cinema and Painting Collaboration Collective Memories Complexity of Simplicity [The] Computer and Imagination Computerised Hand [The] Condensing Craftsmanship Creative Imagination Creative Team Work?
6 D Depthlessness Design Process Digital Universe Drawing Drawing by Hand
7 E Education Elementarism Embodied Existence Embodied Knowledge and Thought Embodied Memory Embodied Understanding Emotional Echo Emotions Emotions and Creative Thought Empathy Encountering Architecture Evocativeness Exchange Existential Space I Existential Space II Experience has a Multi‐Sensory Essence Eyes
8 F Fragile Architecture Forgetting Fragments Fusion of the Self and the World
9 G Generosity
10 H Hapticity Hearth Homelessness Horizons of Meaning Humility
11 I Ideal Client Ideals Identity The Existential Task of Architecture (2009)