Defcon 1 Direct Selling. Randy Gage

Defcon 1 Direct Selling - Randy Gage

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      This is the page where you would normally find testimonials from influential people who have read an advance draft of the manuscript. I have chosen not to include any in this book. This subject matter will be controversial for many and frightening for some. Field leaders may be hesitant to publicly endorse the book, because they could face repercussions from their corporate team or even renegade factions in their own team. Likewise, some company owners and executives might be fearful that their field leaders could feel threatened by what this book reveals. The man behind the curtain usually doesn’t want you to know he’s behind the curtain.

      Although some courageous leaders have offered to provide quotes, I wasn’t comfortable accepting their generous offers. This book will end the careers of some people in our business. And provide the last nail in the coffin for some companies—rightly so. But this book will also be a catalyst to ignite the careers for the next generation of empowering leaders in our business. And perhaps birth the next great companies.

      This is a book for a small but impactful subsection of the profession: the leaders (both field and corporate) with the power to change the game. It’s a book that will cause significant collateral damage to the negative forces in our profession and they won’t take it lightly. They will attack with all they have left. I don’t want to put anyone else in that line of attack. I will face it alone because I believe in the profession as perhaps no one else does. And I believe in you.

       Direct Selling Success

       Making the First Circle Work

       Lead Your Team!

       Accept Your Abundance

       37 Secrets About Prosperity

       Prosperity Mind

       101 Keys to Your Prosperity

       The 7 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity

       How to Get Smart, Healthy & Rich!

       Risky Is the New Safe

       Mad Genius—A Manifesto for Entrepreneurs

       How to Build a Multi-Level Money Machine

      New York Times Bestselling Author



      Copyright © 2020 by Randy Gage. All rights reserved.

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

      Published simultaneously in Canada.

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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

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      ISBN 9781119642091 (ePDF)

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       This book is dedicated to the worst sponsor I ever had. You don’t even know who you are, but I’ll never forget you. And know that because you were weak, I grew strong.


      1  Cover

      2  Introduction Living the Nightmare Dream…

      3  Chapter 1 It’s All on You The Person Most Responsible for This Turn of Events was Me But Here’s Where I Had Really Fallen Down How Behavior Is Changed Another Example of Poor Decision-Making and Leadership on My Part Own the Problem Five Frequent Mistakes Lead Through the Bad to the Other Side

      4  Chapter 2 The Sacred Responsibility of Sponsoring Feeling Frustrated, I Resolved to Become a Recruiting Machine Reexamining My Process Leading Yourself Build the Foundation Скачать книгу