Philosophy Smackdown. Douglas Edwards
on id="ud7f6a82e-5c7d-5e29-99e8-43557808f570">
1 Cover
3 Preshow 1. Origins 2. Rundown 3. Thanks 4. Glossary
4 1 Reality: Work vs Shoot 1. Three Layers of Reality in Pro Wrestling 2. Reality Intrusions 3. Dirt Sheets, Podcasts, and Total Divas: The Quest for Reality 4. The Co-Dependence of Reality and Appearance 5. Pro Wrestling, News Media, and Democracy
5 2 Freedom: Scripting vs Spontaneity 1. Scripts and Freedom 2. Scripting and Coaching in Sports 3. Degrees of Scripting 4. The Wrestling Stoic 5. Know Your Role 6. Flipping the Script: Women’s Wrestling 7. Pushing the Script: Intergender Wrestling
6 3 Identity: Person vs Gimmick 1. Where’s Razor? 2. Working Yourself into a Shoot 3. The Real Me?
7 4 Morality: Babyface vs Heel 1. The Classic View 2. Virtues and Vices 3. Turns 4. The Classic View Disrupted 5. Reflecting on the Disruption
8 5 Justice: Prejudice vs Progress 1. Race and Jingoism in Pro Wrestling 2. LGBTQ Issues in Pro Wrestling 3. Reflecting Culture vs Changing It 4. Commodification and Social Justice 5. How to be a Socially Responsible Pro Wrestling Company?
9 6 Meaning: Sport vs Monster 1. Philosophy and Definition 2. Pro Wrestling as Sport 3. Pro Wrestling as Sports Entertainment 4. Pro Wrestling as a Monster
10 Dark Match: Pro Wrestling vs Philosophy 1. Philosophy and Wrestling 2. Narrative Structures 3. Matches and Symposia 4. The Pro Wrestling of Philosophy 5. What’s Your Gimmick? 6. Philosophy: Work or Shoot?
11 Credits 1. Wrestling Shows Discussed 2. Wrestling Podcasts 3. Wrestling News Websites 4. Wrestling Documentaries/TV Shows 5. Books about Wrestling 6. Articles Referred To 7. Philosophy Works Referred To 8. My Other Books
12 Index
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1. Plato’s Allegory of the CaveFigure 2. Plato’s Allegory applied to Pro Wrestling
List of Tables
1 Chapter 4Table 1. Aristotle on the VirtuesTable 2. John Cena from 2010 onwardsTable 3. Ric Flair in the 1980sTable 4. Austin in 1999
1 Cover